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Author Topic: Must have skills  (Read 6168 times)
Atlanta Z3
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« on: October 28, 2014, 06:36:39 pm »

Ladies and Gents:
I'm putting together a must have skill set for an executive assistant goal list for myself.  I want next year's CAP recertification training to valuable not just another point ~yawn~!

Excluding all the Microsoft Software what are some of the skills you are currently using or wish you have?  Answer does not have to software related but if there are viable programs ideas I'm all for it: examples might be file tracking software, CSM
or accounting or even legal database software!

For me as a 50 something one of my first goals is to understand Twitter and the like from a company viewpoint (90 day goal!).  What are the legal ramifications of using sites as well as marketing benefits?
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« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2014, 12:37:23 am »

For me, due to my particular industry, it would be learning SAP.  There is also a productivity tracking software that my company uses that I want to learn.

Something else on my goal list for next year - learn to speak at least basic German  Smiley
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« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2014, 06:41:48 am »

I would like to be better at social media in relations to work.  Not, a tweet here and there but how to use it as a marketing tool.
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« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2014, 08:31:49 am »

One must have skill is to know how to listen fast and translate vague conversations into mind reading the bosses actual message!   My boss zooms by, gives vague instructions.  Most of the time, after all the years I have been working for him, I can figure out what he wants.  But.... there are times... 
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« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2014, 09:24:36 pm »

I haven't yet put together my list of goals for 2015, but you may recall my lists of goals from a few years ago.

This was my 2013 Goal List for instance:

I'm planning to get my Advanced Communicator Gold designation in Toastmasters before June 2015. Speaking and writing skills are two areas where I excel, but I also work hard to ensure that they continue to improve. At some point I will likely finish my DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster - one of the highest designations they give) but need to sponsor a club or serve as a club mentor before that happens. I have all the other requirements fulfilled.

I wish to learn more about social media, particularly marketing campaigns, customer relationship management software, etc. I plan to give my little side business website a complete redesign next year. I have HTML skills, but need to update my graphic design skills and learn more about what options and security issues I need to be aware of.

I will probably at some point update my Microsoft Office certifications to Office 365 or perhaps 2013. Since I teach the certification study groups, it's important that I stay current.

I have a few personal goals I am working on as well. This year I learned to make cheese and homemade pasta. Sometime in the future I want to play with making my own sausage and work on some of the more complicated bread making. I'd also like to learn to knit and crochet.

I always have projects, goals, etc. that I am working on, both for career development and for personal development.

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