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Author Topic: No Strong Opinions?  (Read 14421 times)
Posts: 24

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« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2001, 01:31:10 am »

I know I'm late to the conversation but I feel it necessary to voice my opinion on the discussed topic.  My view on this controversial topic is that unless you've been with someone who went through the process, or been that person, it's hard to see where we're coming from.  Yes, I've been there.  I, who love kids and have high morale values, etc, have had an abortion.  And the amount of "pro-life" stuff I had to see, among educational tools, was staggering.  This was only 8 years ago, but I saw every video they could find, had to see a video on what it looks like, what it is, and then after seeing all of that had to decide if that was what I wanted to do.  (My reasons are mine and personal and won't be posted here).  From the day I thought of getting an abortion to the day I did it was over a week.  Some say this period of waiting isn't the same everywhere but most that I've talked to (in the Mid-west) have all agreed that there is already a time-delay built into the process.  So passing a law requiring it is redundant.  But this was a decision that I was glad that I was able to make, on my own but with the support of loved ones.  It is also a decision that I live with every day of my life, every time I see someone with a baby; when I realize that my child would have been 8 this year.  Did I make the right or best decision?  I believe so but who can tell where the other path might have led me if I followed it.  All I do know is that I'm glad I was able to make the decision for myself and that the government didn't get to decide for me.

And that's my opinion, which is only one of many out voice in millions on various sides of this argument.  Thank you for your time.

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