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Author Topic: World Trade Centre crash  (Read 55683 times)
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« Reply #45 on: September 12, 2001, 07:08:29 am »

I was happy to get word this morning that my brother who works at the Pentagon is safe and sound.

The company where I am temping set up large screens with live tv coverage in our office cafeteria yesterday so we could watch the events. Ended up letting us leave after lunch as no one was getting anything done anyway.

I have volunteered with Red Cross disaster services for almost 10 years and sadly have seen many horrendous things but nothing on this scale. Unbelievable how sick some people can be.

My heart is indeed going out not only to the victims and their families but to the emergency workers. The devastation was so great that they will find few bodies and many body parts. It's a horrible horrible experience. I have known rescue workers that were served ground beef after plane crashes and became physically ill almost to the point of a nervous breakdown. We have actually established food guidelines at disasters for this very reason: no ground meat products, no red or brown products to remind people of blood (for goodness sake don't serve chili!), etc. The Red Cross, Fire departments, police departments and other emergency personnel have trained for this type of disaster year after year but they still never truly expect to use their training. I myself have cross trained in preparation for not only natural disasters, but nuclear accidents and terrorist attacks.

Certainly they pray that it does not become necessary.

If you want to help, there are several ways you can (and some ways you SHOULDN'T!).

1) DO donate blood. Contact your local Red Cross, LifeSource, Hospital, etc. However, be prepared for very long lines. With all the coverage, people know this is one of the few ways they can help and they are overwhelming the centers this week. The reality however is that the blood supplies will be needed for weeks. Consider waiting a week before you call so that they will have a steady stream of incoming blood, rather than a flood of blood initially. Most of the current supplies will be sent to NY. Locally collected blood will most likely remain local to replenish the lost supplies.

2) DO donate money. Contact the Red Cross at 1-800-HELP-NOW. This is one of the most effective methods of helping. They use the  money in a variety of ways: providing meals for the victims and emergency workers, assisting with burial and other expenses of the victims, helping any displaced families with their short term emergency needs, acting as a disaster welfare inquiry liaison to reunite victims and families. I would also request that you donate to the GENERAL disaster relief fund, NOT earmarking the funds specifically for NY. I know after the LA earthquake they ended up with a ridiculous amount of money that had to be set up for earthquakes, but was far in excess of what they needed. They cannot then use the money where it would do the most good. In Oklahoma City, the Red Cross was the lead agency that worked with local agencies to distribute the funds collected fairly and appropriately.

I have not yet heard of condos/apartments in that area, but I would imagine that they have been affected as well.

3) DO stop and send up a prayer to whoever it is you pray to. We can never have too many prayers.

DO NOT help by sending used clothing, blankets etc. There are several reasons why the Red Cross prefers to use money to purchase new articles of clothing when possible rather than providing used clothing: 1) It is a point of pride for the families when they have lost everything to be able to buy something new; 2) It helps to rebuild the local economies that are often affected if not devastated during disasters; 3) It allows consistency of service to disaster victims.

IF the emergency service personnel need anything, they will publicize the request. Exceptions would be corporate in-kind donations such as truckloads of bottled water, cleaning supplies, etc. They will be happy to take these, but will need to plan for their receipt and distribution in advance.

DO NOT show up on the emergency site to offer assistance if you live locally. If and when they need volunteers they will put out the call. The reality is that they need TRAINED volunteers who already know what to do. While your concern is appreciated you are actually just becoming one more individual to be worried about at the scene and one more obstacle to the emergency personnel being able to move about freely.

Deep in prayer,


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« Reply #46 on: September 12, 2001, 07:31:27 am »

Also here are some resources that may help you to figure out how to talk to your kids about this:

Talking with Kids About the News

Talking to Children about Violence

How to Talk to Your Children About the News

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« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2001, 07:38:15 am »

And, if you don't absolutely need gas, don't buy it today.  It was pathetic to watch up to 50 or 60 cars in line to buy gas last night.  Yes, there will be price gougers out today, but call them on it, and don't go there!  There is no shortage.

Thank you to our German friends for your wishes.  I think we are still all numb, but God is good, He is still in charge, and life goes on today.  Ditto:  prayers for all those out East who were so devastated by the experiences of yesterday and probably all this week.
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« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2001, 08:08:28 am »

Hey everyone...I'm checking in from DC.  Yesterday was a horrible and crazy day and I'm just still in shock and exhausted.  Since I run our travel department on the executive level I heard about this right away.  We thought it was an accident first and wanted to find out if we had any company people on the plane.  

I also had a meeting in Crystal City yesterday morning (which for those of you who don't know is right next to the Pentagon and Reagan National Airport) and was on my way down there when we heard about the second plane.  Traffic slowed down on the GW Parkway and then the news came on to say that the Pentagon was hit.  We drove by it about 2 minutes later and it was just shocking.  We couldn't get off the parkways since all exits were blocked off.  My boss called and told us to come back.  Everything was closing by then.  

Got back to the office and started the process to try and find out if any of our people were on those flights.  We then also found out we had 40 people in the WTC that day so we started the process to locate them.  I am happy to report that we did not have any ppl on the flights and we have located all but 3 of our people.  We worked hard to find housing for all of our people in NY and DC.  

I also know several people who work at the Pentagon and found out all of them are safe and okay.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the families of victims and the survivors themselves.  

I was listening to CSPAN this morning and there was a caller who was at the scene in NY.  His recount was just heartbreaking and I found myself in tears (again) over this whole situation.  

Again all of you in NY have my prayers.  

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« Reply #49 on: September 12, 2001, 08:32:22 am »

I was listening to the radio this morning, had on my usual station.  The morning DJs were talking to people, not doing their usual schticks ... it was comforting.

A woman called in who said she lives very close to O'Hare airport, and is used to hearing planes fly overhead, and that she's an Air Force brat.  She heard a sound yesterday that she hasn't heard in years.

F-16s were flying overhead ... protecting our country ... protecting our freedom ... telling us it was safe to sleep, that they weren't going to let anything happen to US on THEIR watch.


Thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers - I'm right there with you all, praying for sanity.

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« Reply #50 on: September 12, 2001, 09:38:55 am »

I know a lot of people don't like the media but after working at a television station for 5 years in Oklahoma City (immediately following the bombing) I know the majority of these people are just like me and you.  They are parents who have to go home to small children; brothers, sisters, spouses, daughters & sons.  They are up close and at the front (along with rescuers) seeing the horror first-hand and having to remain calm to video tape it or talk about it to viewers.  I saw several of them leave the business because they just couldn't handle it anymore.  They work long hours.  The news never stops and they get little rest.  They cry when they are off camera just like we all do. Many of them are traumatized and in therapy.  Please pray for them too.  I know their jobs won't be easy for the next several weeks.
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« Reply #51 on: September 12, 2001, 11:02:56 am »

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you today.  Yesterday, I could not stop crying.  My children attend a Jewish day school so I was terrified that some copy cat wacko would attack them as well.

But today I want to leave you with this thought:

Do not give in to terrorism!  To the extent that you can, aid the victims and grieve but go on with your life as normally as possible.  The evil forces that perpetrated those cowardly acts will not be victorious as long as you limit the effect those events have on your lives. So, to the extent possible, you need things to get back to normal quickly and have all activities resume as soon as can be.

I have never aired my political views here before but this is how Israel has survived 53 years surrounded by 22 hostile neighbours.  Do not give into the terrorists or they will have won!
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« Reply #52 on: September 12, 2001, 04:36:10 pm »

I am simply heartsick...I think of all those souls lost on those planes, in the WTC, and in the Pentagon...may God be holding them in his hands as I write this...

I too, live very close to O'Hare.  I'm used to the sight of planes taking off. virtually being able to see the passengers in the windows...but not yesterday, or this morning.  But late last night, sitting in my living room, I saw a rapidy moving light in the sky...a comforting, yet somehow sad sight...a fighter plane patrolling the skies around O'Hare.

I had just finished jury duty on Monday...I had spent four days in the Dirksen Federal Building.  What a strange feeling to remember Oklahoma City, and to know I am lucky to have finished my civic duties, and to know the city of Chicago was not targeted.  But how I cried for all New York...and the people in the Pentagon.

I'm praying for swift and God willing, peaceful resolution to this...for all of us!

God bless you all,

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« Reply #53 on: September 12, 2001, 06:03:03 pm »

Hi all... It's been a while.   I've never been so happy to lose a job (layoff) in a long time.  I worked on the 53rd floor of Tower #2 until this past April.  

Just wanted to let those who might remember me know that I'm OK.

My prayers go out to the victims and their families.
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« Reply #54 on: September 12, 2001, 06:34:36 pm »

etietjen, thanks for checking in!!!
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« Reply #55 on: September 13, 2001, 09:09:58 am »

So glad to hear from you!!  Glad to hear that one more of our members has been accounted for.

So, who's left??  I know we're missing names, but I can't think of them for some reason.  Please, even if you've never posted before, if you're safe and sound in any of the affected areas, please let us know.  We're all in this together - all countries, religions, cultures!
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« Reply #56 on: September 13, 2001, 10:28:47 am »

So glad to hear from you once again. I often wondered what happened to you.  Thank God for that lay-off and thank God you are well.  We hope to hear from you more often.

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« Reply #57 on: September 14, 2001, 12:31:14 am »

Perhaps its crazy, but do you know what I just did? Some of you may remember to that wonderful admin-day-2001 presentation that was provided to TAA from Andrea, and I just watched it over and over again, praying that there will be found more surviviors (our radio station reported that there were found yet another young woman alive), and that there will be more peace in future for all people everywhere on the world.

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« Reply #58 on: September 13, 2001, 09:53:45 pm »

I now Nici.. I tried to do the same thing but couldn't get into it at workfor some reason...
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« Reply #59 on: September 13, 2001, 10:00:31 pm »

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