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Author Topic: Prince Charles's Comments  (Read 2381 times)
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« on: November 19, 2004, 09:44:56 am »

"What's wrong with everyone nowdays?  What is it that makes everyone seem to think they are qualified to do things beyond their technical capabilities?  This is all to do with the learning culture in schools.  It is a consquence of a child centred system which admits no failure and tells people they can all be pop stars, High Court Judges, brilliant TV personalities or even infinitely more competent heads of state without ever putting the necessary effort or having natural abilities.  It's social utopianism which believes humanity can be genetically and socially re-engineered to contradict the lessons of history ..."

Well I'm sure many of you have read the above comments by Prince Charles in reference to a member of his staff (a personal assistant in his office) who sent him a memo complaining about promotion prospects and who asked why a well qualified secretary could not in future be promoted to the post of private secretary in the Royal household.  So does he have a point - is it wrong for us to dream or indeed to believe that with hard work we can achieve anything?

Me?  I think his comments are a disgrace and this from the man who will one day be our King.

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« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2004, 01:22:28 pm »

On one hand I agree but on the other I disagree with you lems.

At the end of the day we CAN dream, however I do believe that some of us do not always have the means (financial or academic) to get where we would really like for one reason or another.  Basically I call it luck, fate whatever.  We are not all destined to be Britney Spears or David Beckham so no matter how narrow-minded Charles' comments were, he has a different understanding and upbringing to most of us as we have towards people like him.

We can all strive to be something or achieve that next promotion but as I have always said and still believe, you are only as good as the next person.  Somebody somewhere will always be better than you in any aspect of your daily or working life.  That is why some of us are successful with job applications, and others are not.  We are all individual and have strengths which others do not possess.

Just my tuppence worth.


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« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2004, 02:16:13 pm »

Yes you're right there are people that are better than you or I and yes that is why we may not get the job we so desperately wanted - it has happened to me before but that doesn't mean that I will give up - I pick myself up and move upwards and onwards.  I have ambitions some of which may well be impossible but it doesn't stop me trying and believing in myself.  So what if I have ideas "above my station" as Prince Charles would suggest - those ideas have kept me going for the past 40 or so years and they will keep me going for the next 40.

My 4 year old niece wants to be a famous ballerina - she has her heart set on it.  Now the chances of that happening are slim but this is a child who goes regularly to her ballet classes, she is learning about discipline and motivation so that when she is older the character she will have built up will stand her in good stead so that she can deal with the disappointment of not being that "famous ballerina".  Who is this man, who by an accident of birth, has never had a proper job, he hasn't had to deal with our, on many occasions, mundane lives - who is he to make these ill advised and ill informed remarks?

Long live ambition I say.


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« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2004, 02:39:32 pm »

While I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with anything already stated by Charlie or others, one question does come to mind, being how can a personal opinion held by one person be used to batter another person / institution / company et al without taking away the rights of the person thinking his own opinion, especially if that opinion is either on some controversial subject and/or the person is of any stature (from street sweeper to Emperor of Europe for example).  Surely this is PC gone mad - 1984 and the thought police are on their way!  Worst case scenario would of course be  supermarkets taking someone to court for having decided they prefer to shop elsewhere or a designer suing someing for disliking a particular colour.  What next?

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« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2004, 05:21:01 pm »

Ok, having not seen more than was posted here -- and not being from the UK -- I may have a slightly different look on his comments.  I read that he is questioning why folks are expecting more than they can be, without putting the effort in to get there.  In other words, it ok to dream and dream big but also be realistic and take steps to help yourself possibly attain them (as one poster said, the little girl dreaming to be a ballerina who is taking classes and working hard at it now).  I can dream about being a big country singer, but if I don't have a skill in that area and do not try to develop one or work at being a singer, then I shouldn't expect someone to come along and give me a record deal.  If I'm a competent PA but am looking at being more, then I need to be looking at ways to promote myself and my skills, to gain the knowledge and skills that will move me to that next position and not just expect it without adding skills or knowledge to my current resume.  And most of us on this site are already go-getters who have dreams and aspirations, who are striving to make those come true, as can be seen by the questions asked all throughout this site (and perhaps because you came to this site to begin with?).  We are always trying to learn and expand our knowledge and skills, and thus deserve that next step we take in our career -- and I believe that is what Prince Charles was saying.  More of a "why does everyone expect to be like me and have things handed to them, when that's not how it works in everyone's mundance lives and only a select few like me have that advantage."

People are a little short on the reality of hard work = results.  In the US this is shown through the number of frivolous tort claims (law suits) that have the person expecting to get lots and lots of money for being stupid or having no common sense.  They want something for nothing, and the more they can get with the least amount of effort on their part (mental or physical), the better.  And this is why I'm hoping that a little common sense starts coming into play when awarding these frivolous law suits -- if you were stupid, then you get nothing.  If it really is a defect or a problem that most folks would possibly have, then you get paid.  Simple as that.

Ok, I'm climbing down off my soap box now....

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« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2004, 09:39:43 am »

I think the important words here are "without ever putting the necessary effort or having natural abilities".

Charles has been misquoted in several papers, and basically was saying that ppl are freeloaders who expect top jobs without earning the right thru hard work.

Sorry for those who disagree, but I think he's absolutely spot-on.  The "no failure" culture our government is creating sucks, and ppl expect life handed to them on a plate.

Great, unemployment is down - BUT those claiming long-term sick has increased by a HUGE amount... and, guess what... those figures don't count because they're not unemployed.  Why bother looking for work when you can sit on your butt and get the government to support your lifestyle?  Grrr... it makes me sick!!

Oh, and this "tort claims" problem in the US - well, it's caught on here already.  I work for a local authority (rather large one at that) and we now spend a huge chunk or our repairs budget on legal fees fighting compensation claims for work that is outstanding (often due to problems accessing the property or shortage of labour).  The money to pay these court costs could be spent repairing the damage on the property, but instead we have lawyers taking a huge chunk and so the work carries on being delayed.

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« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2004, 02:05:13 pm »

I must say that I rather agree with The Prince of Wales's comments. I don't believe that the Prince's comments were about people wishing to get above their "station" in life.  After all, his own trust, The Prince's Trust, has assisted thousands of young people in setting up businesses and improving their lot in life.  Hardly the actions of a man who thinks that people should stay in their "place"!  

Dreams are very important, but it is equally important, if people wish to make those dreams a reality, that they are realistic about what they can achieve.  


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« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2004, 11:31:39 pm »

I have to say I also agree with his comments.  I've definately found that the upcoming generations are being taught that yes... they can accomplish anything (which is good) but that no one thinks they need to work at it.  It seems to me that so many people expect everything to be handed to them whether they deseve it or not.... and then they get upset when things don't go their way and they cry out "that's not fair" and blame everyone else but themselves.


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