Jackie G
« on: February 08, 2012, 08:26:25 pm » |
We've still had very little snow here, what a change from last year.
Midnight first footers? No, and it was too cold for one of us to go out (in a big family, the tallest and darkest man is usually put outside (suitably scarved and coated etc) just before midnight so they can be let in again immediately afterwards). The other tradition is you open a door or window to let the old year out - we did that as the doggies needed out, and suffered. Oh, I see I've already told you that, well it doesn't hurt to say it again!
I forgot to say that by then the central heating boiler had packed in so we were basically trying to keep to one room and only moved to let the dogs out and suffered the chill as the door was open. When Chris came to me a couple of weeks later, he did bring a first foot with him as he was probably the first person over my doorstep apart from me (chocolates!). And we took stuff to his sister on New Year's Day - some Christmas cake (not black bun tho, yuck!), some wood sticks for her coal fire (not coal, too hard to get now) and we definitely had bottles though probably not whisky - definitely wine and some champers too.