« on: May 02, 2006, 12:54:18 am » |
Have any of you here in the U.S. had people missing at work or any of your work functions impacted by today's immigration rally activities? It seems there are quite a few people missing in our warehouse today and possibly tomorrow; there has already been talk of having to have the drivers load their own trucks because too many of the normal loaders aren't here to do their job. The managers are not amused! What do you think?
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2006, 03:46:33 pm » |
We were short-handed in our housekeeping department but that was the only thing affected.
I'm not sure I have a clear understanding of the situation. Why don't these people just complete the paperwork to become legal? Knowing our government, I guess it's not as simple as it sounds. But I have to say I find it amusing that people who are here illegally are protesting in our streets!
I was wondering just this morning what other countries in the world do about this. Surely we're not the only country with illegal immigrants.

Posts: 1
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2006, 09:12:42 pm » |
My daughter wanted to stay home from school for the day becuase her friends were going to. I didn't let her. I believe it is strong in the hispanic community because they have made thier home here. Many have lived illegally for many many years. Their homes, friends and lives are here. I think they think if they apply to be legal, they will get caught and sent back to what ever country they are from. The illegal immigrants that are still coming over are looking for something better. I haven't really read up on the issues, I just hear my hispanic friends grumbling about it a bit.
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2006, 08:43:46 pm » |
This reply is a bit after the fact, I know...
I have many hispanic friends, and I love them. I do not appreciate, however, illegal residents protesting in the streets about their "rights", and waving Mexican flags. If Mexico is so great, why are you here? I understand that no one should be mistreated, but I'm sorry, if you are here illegally, you don't have "rights." You have basic human rights, yes, but not "rights" to federal aid, "rights" to employment, "rights" to public education. You are strapping a system that is already strained to the max. Your "rights" are back in your own country where you are a citizen, and if you don't have any there, what makes you think you deserve them here? And this whole bit about how illegal residents "pay taxes too"--GIVE ME A BREAK. The only way an illegal resident is paying employment-related taxes is if he/she has a BOGUS social security number and other bogus documents. Hmmm...I thought that was also ILLEGAL. And if you talking about sales tax, so what? You're here, you buy stuff, you pay taxes. That is no basis to guarantee that you get "rights."
It is downright offensive to see illegal residents on TV protesting in the streets trying to FORCE the United States to give them "rights." GO HOME and protest Vicente Fox. Or, do it the correct way and enter the country legally.