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Author Topic: What was she thinking...  (Read 5188 times)
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« on: August 02, 2001, 07:19:19 am »

A San Jose woman has been sentenced to eight months in jail

for locking her two sons in the trunk of her car while she

went to work at a Silicon Valley computer company. Rosemarie

Radovan, 31, had pleaded no contest in March to two felony

child endangerment charges. The reason authorities knew

about the situation is that a co-worker told police he heard

moans coming from the trunk while he and Radovan drove to

lunch last Nov. 30 in her 2000 Honda Civic. Prosecutors said

in court that Radovan turned up the radio when the man

mentioned the sounds. According to the San Francisco

Chronicle, Radovan told authorities she stashed the boys --

ages 5 and 7 at the time -- in the trunk 5-10 times because

she was having trouble finding day care for them. Radovan

has since been attending family counseling and was working

with family court officials on reconciling with the two boys.
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« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2001, 07:55:12 am »

I don't know what to say except that is just sick.  How could you even think about putting your children in the trunk of a car???

Hero Member
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« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2001, 08:15:12 am »

Day care problems!!! This is her excuse.?!!  Why can't she take time off work and take care of her kids like a normal person!!

What if the sun was really hot that day? She's lucky that the kids are still alive.  What if the car got rear-ended or for that matter any kind of accident?
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« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2001, 10:10:13 am »

OK, lemme get this straight...  This co-worker hears the moans while the two of them are going out to lunch, right?  WHY was she going out to lunch with a co-worker instead of checking on her children and spending that hour with them rather than leaving them locked up???

Gives me chills.
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« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2001, 03:59:52 pm »

What's sad is that she's in family counseling with the two.  Why? WHY! would anyone ever let her near her children again?  Not a day goes by that I don't thank my birth mother for giving me up.  At least she had the love and common sense to know she couldn't take care of my.  People like this should be shot!

Ellen (appalled) in TX
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« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2001, 12:36:36 am »

I would like to see the courts allow a group of parents who have been unable to have kids spend 15 minutes with her.  8 months in jail for abusing kids in this manner?  Give her 15 minutes with those adults who want to be parents and can't.  See if they don't change her tune from abusing them to worshiping them for the blessings they are.  

The fact that she didn't even go to lunch with them just makes it worse added to her having done it multiple times.

New rule:  Abuse your kids, lose your kids.  Do not pass go, do not collect your kids!
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« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2001, 12:42:58 am »

She did WHAT???  I say stuff her in the trunk of a car and drive around for a while AND leave her in there for 8-10 hours a day.  How could a mother do something like this to her own flesh and blood?Huh
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« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2001, 10:55:58 am »

She wasn't thinking.

She should be jailed and her children taken away from her.

When are people going to understand that having children is a priviledge not a right? Just because they can doesn't mean they should. Some people are just not cut out to be parents.
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« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2001, 11:36:54 am »

But wait, unfortunately, I can top that.

Kids left in car, dad charged


 A four-month-old girl and her two-year-old sister were left in a car in "excruciating" heat for an hour yesterday while their dad appeared in court, Toronto Police say.

"The father didn't think he did anything wrong," Staff-Sgt. Douglas Ransom said. "You say to yourself, 'What was this guy thinking?'"

The 24-year-old man was charged with leaving his children unattended. The Children's Aid Society has also been notified.

As temperatures soared into the mid-30s, the little girls were left alone in a Dodge Spirit parked in the broiling sun outside the Keele St. traffic court.

Although the windows of the car were left open, the noontime heat inside reached dangerously high levels, Ransom said. The keys were also left in the ignition, he added.

The baby was crying uncontrollably when the sisters were spotted by a passerby, Ransom said. While one child was sweating profusely, neither youngster required hospitalization.

"The sun was bouncing off the roof," Ransom said. "Given the temperatures, this was certainly a safety issue. The kids are okay but the repercussions could have been much worse."

After police found their father, the man -- whose licence was under suspension -- told police he didn't think his daughters were in any danger.

"We have communicated very strongly to him that his behaviour was inappropriate," Ransom said.


First of all, I would have taken the car, since the keys were still in the ignition, and driven it straight to the nearest hospital.  Bet the father would get more freaked out that the car was gone than about the kids.

Secondly, "We have communicated very strongly.."  What the heck is that?  Clap the irons on the guy and lock him up in a car on a hot day!  NO MERCY.

BTW there are laws in Ontario prohibiting the leaving children and animals in unattended cars
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« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2001, 02:31:17 pm »

Okay, I can top that one too.

A woman CEO of a HOSPITAL was supposed to drop off her 4 year old to day care and her younger child (I think 18 month old) to the sitter's (daycare doesn't accept really young children).

She remembered to drop off the 4 year old but forgot about the younger child. Parked the minivan in the parking lot at work and went to work all day. The young child was left in the van all day long and died.

She blamed it on the fact that her husband usually is responsible for dropping the kids off but for some reason that day she had to and this was not part of her normal routine and she had a lot on her mind that day (being a CEO and all).

She was charged but I can't remember exactly what she was charged with.

It was a very controversial case and debated by many working moms.
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« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2001, 05:27:37 pm »

How could she use "I have a lot on my mind" as an excuse???  I don't buy it!  And how on earth could she forget one if both kids were in the car?  That blows my mind!

I was a working mom (even if only for a little while), and even though I wasn't a CEO of a hospital, I had enough on my mind-but NOT ENOUGH to forget about my baby!!!  Even if my baby is SLEEPING, I don't forget he's in the car wih me!

When are people going to wake up and realize that their kids are precious gifts?  These kinds of stories make me sick!

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« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2001, 09:07:51 am »

My point exactly, Lioness. I don't buy it either. I think she did it on purpose and did it in a way to make it seem like an accident.

Most moms I know at work have tons of baby pictures on their desks or bulletin boards. If she had pictures on her desk, I would think that would have triggered her memory about her child enough to realize that "Oh no, I don't remember dropping her off at the sitter's this morning".

And the sitter was stupid about it too.  She called the mom's house and when she didn't get an answer there, she gave up trying to contact the mom or the dad. This was a really stupid sitter. OBVIOUSLY, if the mom and dad take their child to a sitter, this means they can't take care of the child during the day because they both WORK. The sitter should have contacted both parents at their places of work but she didn't. How dumb was that?
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« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2001, 09:49:10 am »

Why, if her intention was to get rid of the kid, couldn't she leave it with relatives instead of leaving it to suffocate in the car???  If that is the case and this wasn't an accident, she's in the same league with these women who throw their newborns in trash cans, and that girl who gave birth at the prom and left the baby to die in a toilet.  I DO NOT GET what goes through their minds!

I too had a lot of pictures of my little boy on my desk, and the first few days of work, I almost CRIED.  I couldn't take my mind off the baby!

Sick, sick, sick.

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