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Author Topic: Why Did This Happen?  (Read 187963 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 707

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« on: November 12, 2001, 10:51:51 pm »

No, I don't think that feminists and homosexuals are to blame for the attacks!  That would be as ludicrous as saying fat people and drunks were the cause.  I believe that we, who say we are Christians, when we don't adhere to what we say we believe, put ourselves in harm's way. We are the cause.   When we, as a self-proclaiming "Christian" nation kick God out of our daily lives, why should He fly in like Mighty Mouse to our rescue?  It saddens and angers me that a great majority of so-called Christians think of God as nothing more than either Mighty Mouse, or as The Big Guy in the Sky, with a flyswatter, just waiting to smack us when we do something wrong.  He is neither one.  He is a loving God, yet He also demands justice.  If He didn't, what kind of a God would He be?  It ticks me off that, if and when things should return to "normal," that many of these flag-waving, "God bless America" people will go back to their normal routines with nary another thought of God until something else catastrophic happens.  Then the record-breaking flag sales and the "God Bless America's" will start all over again, like some sort of routine for luck.  Once that "luck" has been achieved, the way it was accomplished is cast aside until needed again.

Although I don't agree with a great majority of the feminist thought, I think there is a place for Equal Rights, yet I also believe that there are certain things that need to be so, in the home, in order for peace and harmony to reign.  Yet I personally know two couples who have successfully managed a so-called "role reversals," where she earns the dough and he raises the kids, successfully.  There are, though, certain, timeless principles, that when applied over time make for a mighty happy home and fulfilled married couples.

I believe that homosexuality is a sin, yet I also believe that God loves everyone, hence the call for a personal relationship so He can fix our individual woes.   Me telling somebody that they're "wrong" isn't gonna do it, that's for sure!  We're all too enmeshed in our own weakness(es) even to be able to see what it is doing to us (and others), and that includes me.  Romans:  "There is not one righteous, no not one."  I believe that overeating/letting ourselves be out of shape, or drinking/doing drugs,  to the point where it endangers our health is *just as great* a sin as homosexuality, if that gives you any insight to my way of thinking.  I have gay acquaintenances whose company I enjoy, and I have (a lot) of overweight friends, including myself!  I also know several people, including some close, who battle with alcohol-related issues.  I don't hate them for their problems, nor do they hate me for mine.  We all seek to come to terms with the fact that we can't change ourselves, and there is only One who can!  We do the best we can to honor each other (which means respect and encourage the self esteem of), and get along in life.

It's individual indulgences in whatever area happens to be our weakest area that I think have produced the moral underpinnings of the country that we have today:  overweight, oversexed, overindulgent in most anything there is that is a pleasure to our eyes, our bodies, or to our sense of pride.  Nobody is exempt from these pressures, yet we ALL make choices each and every day that, whether we like it or not, affect others around us on a far deeper level than what I think we know.  We are unable to overcome these pulls on our own, without help from God.  As we ask Him to, He starts changing us and opening our eyes to the affect of our problems/challenges/sins on others, and from that we get the motivation to go further.  I still think there is a great deal of truth in what Rev. Falwell said, but for my own reasons, not necessarily his.  Hope that all makes sense, radaro, even though it is darn near a book unto itself!  Thank you for sticking around long enough to say what it was that ticked you off in the first place.  Not many have that kind of staying power!


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