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Author Topic: Embarassing Moment!  (Read 40553 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 661

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« on: October 17, 2001, 08:36:56 am »

I know how you're feeling.  While I haven't had that happen to me (at least not yet!), I did have one very embarrassing moment that my coworker and I still laugh about.

There was a meeting going on in the conference room that is directly across from the alcove where my coworker and I had our desks.  The door to the conference room was wide open (why don't they shut doors during meetings???).  The floors in our building had been waxed the night before.  Because we work in a dirty environment, we kept a small rug at the entrance to our area so people could wipe their feet before stepping on our carpet.  I'm sure you've all guessed already what happened - I came around the corner of my desk in a hurry, the rug slipped on the freshly waxed floor, and I went splat - right in front of the conference room full of men.  As I lay on the floor, I noticed the dead silence that came over the room.  Then I heard this little voice say "Are you alright?"  Of course, I wasn't alright - I wanted to DIE!!!!!  However, I kept my dignity, replied that I was fine, and got to my feet.  Then I made the mistake of looking over at my coworker, who was doubled over in laughter.  That was it for us for the rest of the day - all we had to do was look at each other and off we went!!!  My coworker, trying to help me look on the bright side of things, said, "Well it would have been worse if you'd been wearing a skirt."  So I guess there is always a silver lining - thank goodness I was wearing slacks that day!!

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