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Author Topic: Why Did This Happen?  (Read 178869 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 707

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« on: November 12, 2001, 07:05:02 pm »

Do you suppose a whole lot more people died in those wars, radaro, because of the type of fighting that was done?  The weapons weren't nearly as sophisticated; there was no infrared so bombers could see and hit exactly what they want in the middle of the night.  Those wars were also on a far broader scale than what we're involved in now, at this point, at least.  And, I think the players were on a more level field regarding what they had to use against each other, so, of course there were more people killed in those two wars.  

And, go ahead and be offended, if you like, because nowhere did I say that Christianity, as you say, "has the copyright on the moral code." That *would* be pretty pompous of me, wouldn't it?  (I don't believe I even mentioned the Name of Jesus anywhere above, did I?)   I do believe Christianity is a good thing, when understood in the right way.  I am nothing short of amused by people who get set off just by the mere mention of it and, especially, by the phrase "born again," when they don't even know what it means, they just think they do.  They think, like I did, that just because they went to a church or heard something, and they got offended, that it's all a bunch of hooey.   I do not discount Judaism or most any other faith where there is an accountability to God, for one's actions and not just to "the right thing to do" taken into an individual's own hands, solely as they see fit.  From what I've observed, human nature is just a little too unruly to guide itself to anything but destruction. Self-destruction, usually.  

I do understand that the problem is multi-faceted, yet I also think there is a big red flag waving in the face of America and most people choose not to see it.  Answer to the problem, as I see it, remains the same:  personal relationship with God and allow Him to bring us to maturity.  *Everything* an individual does affects others, so there is no getting by with the flippant "I can do what I want as long as I don't hurt anybody else."  That's not moral code; that's ignorance gone to seed, as it has in this country, and that is my point.


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