« on: February 02, 2004, 01:14:20 pm » |
Interesting one this - I believe because we are in work 7/8+hours a day and are getting paid to do a job, employees believe they are entitled to help themselves to whatever is on offer. It's not the first time I've heard of someone eating another person's lunch food from the fridge just because it's there.
I think lots of people at one stage or another have "tweaked" their CV in applying for a particular job. These days it's dog eat dog in the job world and everyone is fighting to get up that promotion ladder or even onto the bottom rung.
Stealing and dishonesty can also be in the form of stealing time eg. lying on your flexi sheet, taking a long lunch and recording a short one. Civil servants in NI are especially renowned for this sort of thing, altho not all of them, I might add! Can you believe they think it's ok to do nothing from 9-5 then stay behind work 2 hours and claim overtime. Taking a few paperclips or post-its home is nothing compared to this.