« on: October 22, 2001, 02:26:21 pm » |
Personally, I wish the media would quit publicizing the Anthrax scares. I see these Anthrax scares the same way I see a bomb threat - the chances are slim to nil it's for real (unless you work in government/news media), it terrorizes those who it would effect if it had been real, and the idiot who sent the *&!@$ thing is sitting at home in all his glory whispering "Mission Accomplished".
Then, you add to that the children of America and what they must be thinking. My daughter won't get the mail out of our mailbox anymore. I forced her the other day, because it was looking like rain and our box leaks... she came back in udder tears, panic stricken.. and ran to the bathroom to wash her hands when she put the mail on the counter. And this, I might add, is the reaction of a child who DOES NOT watch the news at home. Scares me to think what kids like her who DO watch the news must be feeling.