« Reply #45 on: September 12, 2001, 04:36:10 pm » |
I am simply heartsick...I think of all those souls lost on those planes, in the WTC, and in the Pentagon...may God be holding them in his hands as I write this...
I too, live very close to O'Hare. I'm used to the sight of planes taking off. virtually being able to see the passengers in the windows...but not yesterday, or this morning. But late last night, sitting in my living room, I saw a rapidy moving light in the sky...a comforting, yet somehow sad sight...a fighter plane patrolling the skies around O'Hare.
I had just finished jury duty on Monday...I had spent four days in the Dirksen Federal Building. What a strange feeling to remember Oklahoma City, and to know I am lucky to have finished my civic duties, and to know the city of Chicago was not targeted. But how I cried for all New York...and the people in the Pentagon.
I'm praying for swift and God willing, peaceful resolution to this...for all of us!
God bless you all,