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Author Topic: question from employer  (Read 1690 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 1596

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« on: May 09, 2007, 06:10:44 pm »

I have been doing a lot of temp work in the last couple of months (good!) while looking for permanent work (not so good) and was asked a question by one employer which got me thinking.

The question was if there was some sort of locum secretary (a bit like locum doctors).   I have never heard of anything like this, except for maybe a type of firm which sends in secretaries to clients offices who have previously worked there so don't  need to be taught the ropes (ie not whatever temps are available at any one moment as used by most employment agecies)  - you know the sort I mean.

So, has anyone else heard of locum secretaries?



Cathy S
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« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 10:01:21 am »

Hi Jess

Good news that the agencies are keeping you busy.

I have never heard the term locum secretary, however, I temped for two years and after the first 6 months I alternated between three clients on medium term bookings, which I guess is not far off what the employer you spoke with was thinking of.  I enjoyed temping like this - it was as near a guaranteed salary as a temp can get and because they wanted me to go back they were prepared to pay the rate the agency asked for.  

At the time the concept of Virtual Assistants wasn't in the picture (certainly within the UK), but I guess many VA's work as locum secretaries with a regular client base - just not in the client's offices

All the best


Hero Member
Posts: 1608

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« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2007, 01:28:44 pm »

There are companies that offer a range of secretarial services, which might be a help.  However, what this person appears to be seeking is something along the lines of a "Bank Secretary".  Hospitals have "Nurse Banks" - a pool of staff who come in as and when required and work in the posts that are suitable for their grade and skills.

The nearest thing to this in admin support would be a "zero hours" contract.  A company would have to build up quite a large pool of people with the right skills.  The individuals would have to be trained in company procedures and business..

It's not a particularly good situation, and I can see all sorts of elephant traps in this arrangement.  One would have to have in writing things like: holidays, sick leave and sick pay, pension status etc etc.  As long as an employer was not trying to avoid the responsibilities he would have to a full-time, permanently employed person, then this arrangement could work.  On the other hand, it could be so cumbersome as to be unworkable.   In which case, a temp is the best thing.

My two bitz,


Hero Member
Posts: 1596

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« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2007, 04:11:42 pm »

Thanks for the response, both of you.  It is all quite confusing and I will need to think about this more to come up with an adequate solution.

surfice to say, the employer concerned is a small company with 3 dedicated paralegals who double up as legal secretaries 3 lawyers and two directors and a one off accounts lady and a man on a bike to do the IT side of things.  they don't really have the size to cope with bank secretaries (a bit like departmental floaters) but might stretch to VA work if some/part/a lot of their work was done using digital dictation - I will have to talk to them about it!

Thanks again.


Hero Member
Posts: 1608

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« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2007, 04:36:22 pm »

Jess, this might be the start of a new career or a "new shoot" from your present career.  If the projects they have in mind are not time-critical, and you could fit them around other commitments, then you should put yourself in the running for this one.  

But remember to fix things in writing.



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