« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2001, 03:19:19 pm » |
Well, when they hire us, the offer letter says Administrative Assistant and that's what we're called in the office. However, our official title is Secretary and that's what's on all the paperwork, the firm directory, our mail slots, etc.
Either one works for me, although I think I prefer AA if I had to choose. They were going to make a push to change it to Administrative Associate but that seems pretty generic. Titles are a BIG deal where I work, with each title having a specific definition, so it takes a long time to change them.
Not that it matters because we aren't allowed to put our titles on our business cards anyway, but at least we HAVE cards now. Is there anything more embarrassing than having to hand someone a piece of paper when they ask for your card, because you don't even have blank business cards?