Sounds like a blast, but it just reinforces why I'm happy not to be going to the In-laws this weekend... we're not far from there and with all the regular traffic, and then holiday traffic, and then this... I'll just enjoy staying home.

Our Labor Day weekend plans changed Tuesday night when I found out we were NOT going to the in-laws, so I'm thinking just a nice quiet weekend at home, which is a rarity for us, will be just what is ordered. We'll batton down the hatches and anything else that is loose and could blow away, and watch the havoc that Issac might want to toss our way. Rains are starting today in earnest for us (gotta love being so far inland!) but we're on the Eastern side, so expect a good amount to drop on us.
Atlanta... be safe on the roads. Have a lot of fun! Sounds like one of the best 'family' reunions to go to!