
Posts: 17
« on: August 01, 2001, 02:48:36 pm » |
I would not even consider giving that link to respective employers.
Originally I set my resume up on my website as an HTML table learning project, and to give my family back home in VA a clue of what it is a do . I have updated it maybe once. Of course since then my resume has had many different lives. While it is basically them same, it defiantly looks different. It actually fits on one page (hurray, no small feat there!).
And I, like everyone else, send employers my resume by fax, by snail mail, and by e-mail as an attachment, or they pick up my resume from Monster and Brassring. When I interview I always bring hard copies of my current resume, incase the interview has forgotten it, or the formatting got mangled in the sending method.
Unfortunately could not find a way in this forum to attach my .doc resume to my post, and I did not think any of you would want to read through a posting so long as my first post AND my resume. So I posted the URL to the out of date one on my very personal homepage, just so who ever wanted to get a look at it could.
As for bosses not wanting to see tattoos, some do. But then I recently worked for people that were all under 27, and all had a slew of tattoos. There is definitely a time and a place for everything.
Thanks for the encouragement and advice. I am definitely ready to put more effort into to talking to the temp/placement agencies, now that I now it is useful. I just hope I do not have another super positive interview only to never get called back. I am working on changing my resume posting my homepage now I will take all of your suggestions into account on both the html version and the real one. Thanks!