I was at the beach this weekend and casually observed how many e-readers vs. paperpacks were being used by beachgoers. It's seemed to be still slightly leaning toward actual paperbacks. I suppose I'd be concerned about getting sand, salt, etc. in an e-reader, although I imagine protective cases are probably out there for sale. (I wear an insulin pump and have a specially designed, waterproof plastic case for it when I go to the beach to protect it from water, sand, salt and possible seagull "bombs".)
For me, part of the beach experience is having that trashy little beach novel in your bag, getting slightly damp and wrinkled, but you don't care because, well, it's a trashy little beach novel.

I don't have one, and I'm really not all that fired up about getting one. Of course, in my house we still have a turntable for playing albums that were never released on CD (Happens in the classical arena), so.....