« on: March 18, 2012, 04:02:42 pm » |
I think you really do need to concentrate on the job in hand so it gets your full attention. This way less errors are likely to occur. Even, as I said I do and no doubt others do also, dip in and out of various projects, you do need to focus on what you are actually working on but I do find my mind wandering onto what my next priority job is.
I actually asked a couple of people in my office what they thought multi tasking meant and they both said having various jobs on the go and moving from one to the other throughout the day. But thinking about it, that is not really multitasking but just prioritising.
From a different point of view, when you are driving, that could be multitasking, you are using your limbs to use the wheel and work the pedals but also using your eyes to see and your brain to make decisions - all at the same time.