« on: December 13, 2011, 05:31:55 pm » |
My 'group' at work have been invited out for a spot of lunch by the boss, so one of the paralegals came up with a novel way of letting us know. Not quite up to Gee's most excellent standards, but I thought it funny enough to share!
Anyone else get invites as interesting/intriguing as this?
Twas two weeks before Christmas, when all through Peninsular house Not a creature had any free time, not even a mouse. The files were stacked by the desks with care, In hopes that St Nicholas would help them out there.
Fee earners were hassled, surrounded with ring binds, While visions of completed billing-pledges danced in their minds. And secretaries scurried and hurried around, Wondering if ever again they'd sit down. When from out of the clamour Nigel did cry, "Pat, organise a Christmas lunch, should I?" "Why Nigel, yes, Christmas lunch you say? I shall get onto it now, without any delay!" So out flew the emails with tidings of glee, To solicitor, partner, admin and trainee! Replies poured in, Pat's mailbox full in a flash, Diaries rearranged; we must not have a clash! The time is 12:30 and the attendees are sure; The party is booked in a bar so secure. Beneath Revolution, behind doors guarded by bolt, We can't wait to see you for luncheon at The Vault.