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Author Topic: Why Did This Happen?  (Read 194589 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 707

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« Reply #15 on: November 15, 2001, 01:34:39 am »

There is nothing wobbly about what I believe.  If I didn't believe it, I wouldn't have said it: you just don't like me saying it.  Too bad!  You are entitled to your opinions, and I am entitled to mine.  "Topical Climates" is a place to discuss things like this and, if your emotions allow you to do so in a rational, non-emotional way, I'm up for it.  Are you?  And, yes, *anyone* who abuses their (uh, that would be his or her)  body, in any way/shape/form, including overeating, falls into my definition of sinning.  That would include habitual smokers, too.  How many people want to stop doing that, but they can't - - by themselves - - hence, the need for God, IMHO.

I don't see any hate-mongering going on here except your hatred toward me and what I believe.  I believe there are many who believe similarly, maybe not thought-for-thought, though, just like andream and barbri state.  It doesn't really matter.  It's a big beautiful world, and my thoughts count, just like anybody else's, so deal with it.  I didn't close off the discussion, like you seem to be, for other ideas.  How are people supposed to enlarge their world view if the opinions they hold are not allowed to be freely exchanged?  I get the feeling you would put a little yellow star on me, if you could.  Unfortunately, I don't fit into your stereotype of pushing an "ultra-conservative agenda" just because of what I stated above.  I helped to put Paul Wellstone, MN-D, far left, over his ultra-conservative opponent at the time.  The reason?  The one with the ultra-conservative was making fun of Wellstone and getting a little too big for his britches.  Does that make me a contradiction-in-action?  I don't think so.  I think it makes me a thinkin'-for-myself kinda gal.

If you can't put your two-cents' worth without spewing forth your own brand of hate labeled "free reign for everybody but GE," I *still* believe you are the pot calling the kettle black - - only your screen name has changed.  And, the only thing I'm putting down about you is your still-stinky attitude toward anything that's not just the way YOU think it should be.  You would be stiff competition in a wafflin' contest, yourself, m'dear.

P.S.  And, maybe, just maybe, I have what you perceive to be "untouchable" (you still make me laugh) status because I would prefer a civil discussion over mudslinging.  The world may never know.   GE/Sister Golden Hair  LOL


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