« on: May 05, 2014, 11:40:32 pm » |
My closest friends in the world are people I've worked with. I spend more time with them at work than with my family at times. We have been there for each other through marriage, divorce, breakups, deaths, births and new jobs - good times and bad. That was very clear to me when my mother past away some years ago. At the time I was the youngest admin in the office (and curiously the one with the highest position). Despite of this, there was no jealousy or bad feelings. Instead, when I needed it the most, all my colleagues all rallied around me and really helped me get through a horrible time. I don't know what I would have done without their love and support.
For the past several years I have been quite sick. I have three friends that I met at three separate jobs. They have been a lifeline for me. They have patiently listened to me, held my hand and cried with me when I needed it.
I always say that the most important thing any of my jobs have left in my life are the wonderful friendships I'm made at each one.