« on: September 29, 2014, 08:39:11 pm » |
So I had some free time on Friday and kept myself entertained by looking through old posts here in the Hub. I figured it couldn't hurt to reread some of the excellent advise that has been posted in the past. I couldn't help but notice the huge difference posting volumen from a few years back to now. My question is, what happened? I read some excellent, straight-forward, honest advise and opinions. Some of it I agree with, some I don't - but all given from a very professional, honest point of view. Why don't we have that level of posts anymore? Did everyone move on to different professions? Are people too shy to post? Is there no more interest in the administrative field? Yes, these are the type of questions that keep me worried when I have some down time at work - well that and global warming, but that's a different post  So what's your opinion, why don't people post as often as we used to?
Atlanta Z3
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2014, 03:55:45 pm » |
Excellent question that I wondered about myself - to the point where I wondered if I was being a troll posting too often!
I don't have any answers except maybe people have found other similar boards that have more traffic.
I do seem to notice the same topics cropping up often.
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2014, 04:39:12 pm » |
Ha! I was wondering the same thing. I'll be honest and say I think that a lot of the problem is we sort of lost our "soul". The boards were a big source of reference/advise/inspiration when they first started. I think a lot of that had to do with Andrea and the staff's participation. You knew that the site wasn't just a financial thing, they actually had interest in our problems/questions. I really don't feel that anymore. I never see the actual site editor participating in a conversation, other than to post a new topic in the Sound Off section, but there is no follow-up. I really don't know who she is or her opinion on any of the subjects posted. I miss that kind of interaction, it made for lively conversations. Unfortunately I think the site has turned into just a sort of cold, commercial webpage. I miss the the sense of community we had before. I wonder if you're right and people went to other sites with more traffic. I wish I knew were everyone was posting now 

Posts: 29
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2014, 12:00:13 pm » |
May be lack of time is a reason as well. I barely have time to touch my laptop at home, Internet reception is weak on the train and at work I am not allowed to access any sort of forums.
Otherwise I find so much useful stuff and I am happy that can interact with admins off work.
Younger generation admins also are involved in different platforms I think ...
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2014, 12:08:48 am » |
It's a very long time indeed since I stepped in here. This is partly because I have moved on in my work and partly that I simply didn't have time to devote to a forum that didn't appear to be welcoming. I first came across this place in 1999, when Andrea was around. It was a fun and sparky place. One cannot turn the clock back and a site such as this has to develop organically. It also requires strong leadership.
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2014, 04:30:29 pm » |
Hey Raindance, long time no see!
Yes, I agree. Strong leadership is needed and I think that's the missing factor now.
Andrea made the place very interesting. I really miss her. Does anyone know how she's doing?
susan silva
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2014, 05:29:09 am » |
I am still here!! Thanks for the reality check that I am neglecting the forum board way too much. As for my comments on the board, I have never been the strong poster. (Since I came on in 2005) There have been so many people which much better advice than I could give, but that doesn't mean the passion or dedication to this site has lesson. Resources are spread thinner now a days, but the site is still a labor of love, (hopefully far from commercial) but I can see the need for more.....(fun type) interaction with DeskDemon members.
If you have any suggestions, please let me know! Our Favorites Award had SUCH AMAZING results! People are still out there, just how to get them respond to posts.. and share! By the way, after so many years, writers block have me on the Sound Off (that an .. little response). If anyone has any fun suggestions.. :-) let me know.
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2014, 03:51:41 am » |
You know, this is the only site that has endured and though not quite as active, IS active and there ARE people to help out. I wont name other sites that have come and gone, stand alone message boards that have come and gone, it would be nice to have more activity but I thank everyone who IS here and do help out! I hope to be looking at this board many many years from now!
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2014, 12:32:33 am » |
I am back. Alot has gone on since my last post several months ago, but do check in from time to time. I love this site! Alot of great information share.