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Author Topic: OUTRAGE!  (Read 2897 times)
Hero Member
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« on: November 11, 2001, 01:47:08 am »

I cannot believe what I am reading in my Minneapolis StarTribune paper.  For anyone who loves and adores Prince Charles, my apologies, since I really don't know that much about him.  Based on what I *do* know about him, though, solely from his portrayal in the media, I must now solidify my opinion that he is the biggest candy-a** on the planet.  Read this:  "A 16-year-old girl, accused of slapping PRINCE CHARLES in the face with a red carnation, was formally charged Friday with endangering the life of a high official."  Come on, Chuck:  a flower has put your life in jeopardy?  Somebody, help me.  Is there more to this story than this?  This has got to have at least some people in England as outraged and astonished as it does me.  Did HE press the charges, or where do they get off putting a 16-year-old girl through this?  Was it a 5-pound carnation which caused severe facial damage?  Am I missing something here?!  Hell-oooooh!?  (The only person's antics who can upset me more than the "Prince's" are my own State Governor's, who is far more concerned about himself than what is actually going on on the State.  But, then, come to think of it, Bill and Hillary Clinton had #1 top ranking for about 3 years, there.)  Anyway, somebody who knows what's going on tell us, what IS going on over there?!

Hero Member
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« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2001, 01:04:58 pm »

I rather think that the charging is not being done by Prince Charles but by officials of the country that the incident happened in.

Deskdemon Forum Board Staff
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« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2001, 05:50:12 pm »

Maybe you can fill me in on the story, then, when you get it, because he reminds me an awful lot of our State Governor lately if it is anything like it looks, Liz!

Hero Member
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« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2001, 06:22:07 pm »

Also, to let you know that "high" officials all over the world do crazy things, our illustrious governor, on 9/11, saw the same newscast that all of America did.  President Bush flew from another state to the State of Nebraska, and they decided that, in the interest of his safety, no one should know his schedule.  The next day, our governor announced that nobody should know his schedule!  Then to make things even more comedic, after the Tom Brokaw of NBC received the first anthrax letter, and there may have been a couple of others received, Mr. Ventura decided that "HE* was a target, too, and had our entire State Capitol and his private ranch checked for anthrax. Results as suspected, after the $250,000 tax bill:  nothing!   This was all the while he was telling us to stay calm and go about our daily lives as normal.  Personally, I think both he and former President Clinton were both saddened by the fact that no one thought highly enough of them to even bother sending them an anthrax-infected letter.  But, I suppose, that is another talk show.

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« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2001, 09:22:07 pm »

Yeah - I don't think the charges have much to do with old Charlie boy.  He's actually said that he's going to request that all charges are dropped (according to our Sunday papers).

Hero Member
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« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2001, 11:47:29 pm »

I am so glad, kittie!  Now, while I was standing in the grocery checkout line, one of the rags (is this another misused word, Liz and Andrea?! LOL) had as its top story "Charles Dumps Camilla."  Side blurb, allegedly from Prince William, "Good.  She's already ruined our family."  I guess, at least, we get a change of pace over here once every 4-8 years!  LOL  I actually do feel a bit of empathy for Wills and Harry, but Charlie has made his own bed, so to speak, and now he has to lie in it, all over the front pages of the media.  Too bad.  (Reminds me of when he got knocked off the polo pony, and the picture showed him lying flat on his back.  I like to imagine that Diana reached out from the other side and gave him a bit of a shove, something that she couldn't have done in real life!  bwa ha ha

Hero Member
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« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2001, 01:23:10 am »

I'm not an avid royal watcher, but surely the choice of Camilla Parker-Bowles over Diana Spence shows that there are men out there who go for more than looks?

NB This is not to say that HRH has always acted in the nicest way
NB This is not to say that HRH should be blamed for giving in to Establishment pressure to wed.

Deskdemon Forum Board Staff
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« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2001, 02:49:54 pm »

While many people mock the Prince of Wales I think he is doing a great job and will make a great King.

It has been a long time since a real 'royal' has shown an interest in real life issues. For example we had a nasty bout of foot and mouth and our farming industry was hit badly again. There was Charlie raising morale and lobbying the government, he also has some very radical views on the environment and organic ie Non GM farming. Leave our Charlie alone! ;-0

Strategic Alliances Manager,
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« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2001, 07:16:59 pm »

I will be happy to leave him alone; unfortunately, as you can well imagine, we really don't see the best side of him in the media over here - - only when he does something worthy of our rag magazines.  So, you tell me his good points and what he actually does that is worthy of the respect of the world, and I will retreat on the issue of HRH.  (All I have ever seen this standing for, though, is His Royal 'Hijinks'!)  However, you'll never get me to stop giggling imagining him in his kilt going about inspecting the farms, regardless of what good he is doing.


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