« on: February 10, 2004, 03:33:05 pm » |
That would be my current boss! We only have four more days together before I leave him. **sniff**
Although he is single, no kids, he always knew that my family is my first priority. I had a laptop and cell phone (as per HIS request) so that when my kids were sick I could work from home. Or if I had attend a school play, etc., he gave me the time off - so I wouldn't have to take vacation time. He loved when the kids came to visit and even now, while he is on STL, my younger son sends him "artwork".
But more than that, he supported me throughout my career development, signing off on the requisitions so that the company paid for my courses. He provided moral support and encouragement.
Also, from day to day he was great at giving feedback. If you did something well, he complimented you but in a sincere way. If you didn't do well, he treated you in a way that you wanted to do a better job. If you just slacked off though, he would kick you in the butt!!