« on: July 10, 2012, 07:48:49 pm » |
Becky - sorry you are going through this. But it will end. For 12 months a few years ago I hated the job I was in but was unable to find another. I used to get so stressed. I would park outside where I worked in the car park and just sit there, steeling myself to go in. Everything was wrong about this job but it dragged on. But, and it took me a long time, I chipped away at finding something else, I joined agencies, looked at job ads in papers, asked everyone I knew to keep an eye out for jobs for me, i sent off my CV with covering letter to companies I wanted to work for but who were not advertising.
I think that even tho I knew I was unhappy at work, like you, I knew nothing would change unless I made it happen. And I did feel better knowing that I was being active in trying to make it happen. This activity also kept my mind focussed as I did not want to get so down and depressed that I was missing opportunities.
Is there any chance for working in other departments that might be better than where you are? Is there any projects that you could volunteer to take on to make the daily grind a bit more bearable?
I was eventually successful in securing another position via an agency but if that had not come up, I was talking to agancies about long term temp bookings which I would have moved into if other permanent did not come up.
You must stay positive and upbeat even if you have to pretend to be so when the interviews do come in, you are ready and shine. Good luck - keep on plugging away. When you do finally find a job where you are happy, you will look back on this and realise it may have taught you something.