« on: November 10, 2001, 10:13:05 pm » |
I can see your point - but I don't think this is God's judgement on anyone. This was an act of evil - and God doesn't do evil.
We often 'have a laugh' at those who are believers and have a faith. We've become a society where God doesn't exist sometimes until we want him to and it's convenient for us.
It seems to me that society thinks of religion and faith as a bit medieval - scientists tell us that God couldn' t possibly exist, we all came into being with the BIg Bang. I feel sorry for those scientists - they try to see life in 'black and white' and for them anything that doesn't fit in to the laws of physics couldn't possibly be.
Whether we like it or not, there is more to this world than we can explain. How often on your way to work do you think about the Universe around you? - the stars burning, the planets turning, galaxies being born and merging. Well, I like to think that while I'm worrying about the trivial things like paying the gas bill and getting to work on time, there is a God watching over it all.
Hey - that's just my opinion.