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Author Topic: Why Did This Happen?  (Read 194947 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 707

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« on: November 12, 2001, 08:29:09 pm »

radaro, did you miss the fact that I didn't write the stuff below Anne Graham's quote?  So what if Billy Graham is a Christian minister?  I simply said that the article below is food for thought in my preface to the entire article, which was above/before anything else you seem to be upset about having read..  I get the feeling you did not read my introductory comments, got angry and jumped to the conclusion that I am the author of the *entire* passage I quoted.  Not so.

And, yes, freedom of choice, but where is the limit?  You say you can turn off your tv, but when you send your little girl or boy out on the streets, how can you be so sure that everyone else has "tuned out" to what YOU chose not to see?   Pornography can become an addiction, just like alcohol/drugs, and it can make people, who also exercised their freedom of choice, a living nightmare to those who are not weak in that area.  Should we go so far to say, in the defense of "freedom of choice," that it is o.k., once again, to drive under the influence?  That is the same logic, to me.  We are ALL weak in some area, and we need more help than we can provide to ourselves to overcome these areas.  That help comes from God, and from Him only.

And, yes, the Bible does say, "Thou shalt not kill."  It also says that if you suffer injustice to fight back.  If someone came into your house to rape you, would you just lie there?  Mehopes not.  I hope you'd grab the nearest baseball bat or whatever and fight with everything you have in you.

The war in Afghanistan is not so much a war on terrorism, as we believe it is.  I rather believe it is a war of Islamic fundamentalism against the free West (which largely claims to be Christian, to my knowledge).  It is a war on ideologies.  That is another talk show, though.  

I sincerely doubt that a well-placed swat on the butt, from time to time, is going to give any child the idea that the only solution to problems is "physical violence and domination."  Does a two-year-old running into the busy  street understand reasoning?  FYI, "the rod" in the Bible, is the rod of discipline.  Look it up in a reputable Bible study aid.  Where in the Bible does it say to spank your kids?  Show me, and I acquiesce this point.  Whatever the author said about Dr. Spock's kid was "food for thought."  

Re gun control, I'm against it.  That is a tougher issue, though, you're right.

As for law not being taught in the school, did you know that our entire judicial system, in fact our entire U.S. constitution, is founded on precepts of the Bible, most of them Christian?  Only one of the signers of the Constitution was not a Christian, and that was Thomas Jefferson.  He had a pretty sad end, come to think of it, not that any of the others had any kind of a joy ride.  Point of all this is:  maybe law and personal responsibility is not taught in our schools because it IS a Judeo-Christian concept.  I don't know.

I personally do not believe that there are ANY ideas that transcend God's Word.  And, FYI, for what it's worth, I don't believe in organized religion like catholicism, which is the most organized religion I can think of.  I think there is too much pageantry/too many rules/not enough personal relationship with God.  And, I don't think it is the school's responsibility to teach our kids right from wrong:  that is the parents job.  How can parents who won't take any guidance themselves, teach right from wrong?  

So, back to my original point, in the first posting, the email was "food for thought," not fodder for flame wars.  I'm not under any misguided notion that I am going to "win" any kind of a discussion with you.  I threw the email out as something to consider and, apparently, you have.   Have a good week.  GE


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