« on: December 02, 2013, 10:57:10 pm » |
Our dress code, for all who do not have direct daily contact with our customers, is jeans and t-shirts or dressier. Dressy flip-flops (the kind with a heel) can be worn as a sandal, or tennis shoes, or pretty much anything in between. No shower shoes! No shorts... no hats.... no t-shirts with inappropriate sayings on them.... basically, use some good common sense. I love being able to wear jeans, but tend to put it with a dress shirt (something that would easily go with a skirt or slacks) and appropriate shoes. Since I love my heels, that often means I'm in high heels and jeans, a look I absolutely love! If you have contact with the public, then you dress in slacks and polo shirts for men, and skirts/slacks with appropriate blouses for the ladies. No tennis shoes allowed there. My fear is that our new Director will come on board and decide that the casual dress code we are all loving is too lax and will revert back to business casual through out the building, which though nice is not as comfortable or washer friendly. I mean, our dress code states that jeans must be neat and clean with no holes.... and very few folks wear lounge suits anymore (though we had a few that were coming in in them!).... so I'd really like to keep my jeans!!!