« on: March 24, 2001, 12:14:25 am » |
I was amazed to learn that nearly 1/3 of all men suffer from a condition that I can't spell (dynocomastia, something like that) "male breast enlargement." To quote Seinfeld's episode where George discovered his dad suffered from this condition, "He had some real hooters!" I know this is common among overweight guys, but has anybody had personal experience with someone who has been/is affected by this condition. It's sad! It's just one of those things you never consider unless you're affected by it. Can you imagine being a guy and being ashamed to take your shirt off to go into the sauna? Fortunately, there was a surgeon who performs breast reduction surgery and the guys go on to live normal lives. Up to then, however, some of these guys become total masters of concealing their figures. I was actually touched by one guy, I think it was the surgeon, sharing how much it hurt his feelings when the tailor made a comment, with a wink, about how chesty he was. I wonder whether this surgery would be covered by health insurance. It was $5000. Does anybody know anyone firsthand who has gone through all of this and how it has affected their life? I'm just looking for conversation tonight, I guess!
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2001, 11:25:44 am » |
Well, I dated an overweight man once who rivaled me, but it did not affect how I felt about him or how I felt about looking at him. He was a wonderful guy, period. And it was interesting in other way that I will not go into because this is not hat kind of site! (Think what you will, I'm not ashamed of how I felt.)
But as far as it being covered by insurance, I suppose it will be, but why should it? Is breast enhancement covered for women? Reduction is some cases is when it's a medical necessity (back strain). But if the guy "feels bad" because he's stacked, well, get therapy! Or get the cash to do it yourself, the way women do because we're tortured into feeling we need huge ones to be a "real woman". Some of us, anyway. I'm happy the way I am. But like I said, I suppose that it will be covered by insurance, because it's a guy's affliction. I remember hearing once of a comediene who said that if men had abortions, it would be a right. There would be "anesthesia girls" walking around the waiting room with trays of drugsz, "Local or general?" Yeah, I'm going really man-hater on this, sorry.
On the flip side, did anyone see "Fight Club?" I got tickled at seeing Meatloaf (yes, the singer) with huge breasts. I forget why, but there they were! Sorry, needed the laugh!
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2001, 01:11:15 pm » |
No comment, just a question since I didn't see the story. Is it only men who are overweight that have this affliction or can it be thin men who just have overdeveloped pects?
(and why are they pectoral muscle in men and breasts in women? but I guess that's a different topic)
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2001, 01:39:47 pm » |
The weird thing about it is it doesn't seem to follow any particular pattern, fat and thin alike are plagued by it. And, the surgeon didn't call it "pecs." He said it was plain old breast tissue, and there was nothing that could be done to wish it away, or exercise it away. It simply had to be removed.
Yankee - you make me laugh! Yes, you are probably right, that if men needed abortions, they would be available anywhere, anytime, probably even in our local 7-11s. Good food for thought, there.
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2001, 09:45:53 am » |
Hey Yankee - we used to make the same comments about PMS. If men got PMS can you imagine what the world would be like? Mandatory sick days, a wide variety of drugs...
Have you every seen a grown man turned into a sniveling baby when he gets a head cold?

Posts: 20
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2001, 03:29:00 pm » |
Somewhat related to this topic ... at the beginning of the year, my hubby had to have a lump removed from one of his breasts. (It was benign, thank God/dess.) Yeah, men are just as prone to that sort of thing as women.
(Just wanted to add ... it's been forEVER since I checked in here. Y'all have really gone uptown with this! I'll be back for virtual schmoozing on a regular basis now.)
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2001, 03:41:04 pm » |
Welcome back Divinemsm. Glad you popped back in. We hope to see more of you here.
Happy Weekend!!!!