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Author Topic: Something to think about  (Read 18521 times)
Posts: 24

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« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2001, 02:13:21 am »

He gave us the possibility to choose - ok - and do you explain this to all those children who lost their parents in the cause of that September 11, how do you explain this to all those children starving to death, not having the chance to grow older than 5 years in Afghanistan ? How do you explain that to those women in that country who are banned from virtually everything - they do not have the option to choose anything for them.

Do not get me wrong please: I do believe (somehow) in God and somehow I know he's there, but I have huge problems in accepting that my loving God - and I believe in general is a loving one - is so merciless on the weakest in society, i.e. the children all over the world - in any situation which is harmful to them.
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« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2001, 08:44:59 am »

Kiki - this is how I explain it to myself (who knows if I am right - I guess I'll only find out when I die):  I feel that the people who have suffered the greatest on earth are the ones who have the most special place in heaven reserved for them.  Their time suffering will seem insignificant compared to the eternity of beauty and love they will have.
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« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2001, 09:31:22 am »

I think the point is that God doesn't create the badness and evil that is in the world but men/women do it.  Some of them claim to be doing it in the name of God.

God helps those who help themselves.  Don't wait for signs and wonders and the hand of God to swoop out of the skies and save the world.

My friend once told me this story:

There is a big flood and a man is forced onto the roof of his house and is waiting to be rescued.  Someone comes by in a canoe and offers him a ride to safety.  The man refuses saying "God will help me".  The water rises even more.  Someone comes by in a motor boat and once again the man refuses and saying "God will help me".  Finally, the water is so high that the man is forced to stand on his chiminey.  A helicopter comes to rescue him and he refuses, saying "God will help me"

Well, as you guessed the man drowns.  He gets to heaven and meets with God.  He asks God, "Where were you, I was waiting for you to come and rescue me."  And God replies, "I was there, I sent a canoe, a boat and a helicopter."
Posts: 24

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« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2001, 05:04:32 am »

RadarO - THAT is a story I understand ! - Thank you for it ! Actually that is something I learned during my time in the US (that's where I returned back to God - although reading all your words I realize that I'm far from being so strong in my belief as many of you guys seem): that God is not keeping us from everything, every sin, that there are i.e. natural laws like gravity etc., but that he is allowing us make choices and that we are quite free in what we want to do for ourselves (I hope I can make myself understood). But at the same time I feel that that is unjust for those who never have a chance to choose or those who are completely depending on's really a difficult discussion, but I'm also so glad to be able to exchange views with all of you !

Everybody have a good day !

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« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2001, 08:12:07 am »

I wish I could say that my beliefs are always strong.  I waver a lot!  But this morning I saw something that sort of "refreshed" me.

I was driving into work today with my two kids in the back seat.  It was the usual hustle and bustle to get out the door and then get through all the traffic.  As I got off the Queensway (our main highway) and went over the crest of the hill, I could see in the distance the Gatineau Hills.  

The hills are not that far away but often you can't see them when the weather is cloudy or rainy.  Today though the weather is freezing cold (1C) and overcast.  Also, most days, who has the time to pay attention.

But today, as I came over the crest, the hills were all lit up by sunlight that came through a break in the clouds.  With the leaves changing colours, the hills looked beautiful, almost as if they were made out of gold.

Finding beauty in the everyday, that was a miracle to me.
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« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2001, 08:54:54 am »

My cousin forwarded an email to me that really made a lot of sense.

She quoted a portion of a new interview (forgive me but I can't remember now who the interviewer or the interviewee was)

Interviewer: Why do you think God let this happen?

Interviewee: We (people of the U.S.) have spent so much time pushing God away (taking prayer out of public schools and such) that he was just respecting our wishes and staying out of it.

Well it looks like the anti-christians got what they wanted and now they are saying "Where was your God?"
Hero Member
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« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2001, 10:42:51 am »

Laundryhater - You have just gotten my back up.  God belongs to everyone NOT JUST CHRISTIANS.  Taking prayer out of school does not make God crash a plane into a building.
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« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2001, 12:08:03 am »

LH - I think we need to close this topic.

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