« on: October 22, 2001, 02:07:32 pm » |
Yup, we've had a couple. We had one employee we had to terminate - he left an envelope on a co-worker's desk with powder in it and although the co-worker would have realized it was a joke, another person saw it and called the police. We had an employee who was moving and saw white powder on one of the boxes and called facilities and the police. We had actual anthrax in one of our buildings late last week, but not a floor where our offices are.
Our mail people are wearing masks and gloves, but they were told not to wear them when delivering the mail to the departments because, "people might get panicked". I love the company I work for, but they are really handling this very poorly. We have yet to get any kind of advice as to what to do if we get something suspicious. The two incidents where the police were called pi##ed off our HR department because of the "negative publicity". We have over 80,000 employees - there are GOING to be calls made because people are concerned.
I had printed off the tips from this site and also the two page health advisory from the CDC about what to do - better to be prepared. So I now have directives, but nothing from the company. Just reminders not to play jokes or you'll be fired, be tolerant of our middle-eastern employees and the advice that if you get something suspicious, call building management and not the police. Argh.