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Author Topic: School Shootings  (Read 5557 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 420

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« on: March 16, 2001, 10:56:39 pm »

I do not believe in Satan, that is just a saying, firstly.  Secondly, I DO NOT support ANY physical force taken against any other person in retribution untried in a court of law. With that said, I will just put a few things out there to help us understand why this is happening.

Has anyone been a cheerleader?  Not me.  And boy did it suck for any girl not in that circle. If you didn't look like a Barbie doll, you were easy pickins for those who did and they attack in packs.  (Group activities are easier than one on one.)  Anyone date a high school sports hero?  Was he a jerk?  Can youimagine what it's like to get tortured every day because from an early age you know you're smart (a geek) or different (eccentric, gay, artistic)?  I was an eccentric and VERY unique child was WAS a tortured kid.  My fiance was the proverbial geek.  Also, picked on, teased, beat up and tortured all through school.  That can get to you after a decade or so.  Where do we go from here?

"Kids will be kids" we say.  Well, kids with guns are deadly.  I asked before, why aren't the parents instilling positive self esteem in these children?  Every day my mother told me I was beautiful and I was creative and I would use my tallents to be famous some day. (I'm still working on that.)  I "got out."  My fiance was not so lucky.

He was also admonished by his mother for "reading too much" and for "playing on that damn computer thing when the sun is out."  He couldn't run that fast so he hated running games.  What did mama do?  Made him try out for track to "get over it."  Well, he doesn't run anymore but he's an IT manager making NICE money in a booming field.  And every day he asks why I'm with him?  Is this fair to him?

I think if children in groups are picking on kids, as was the case with the two Columbine murderers, parents and teachers and guidance counselors should step in and get this straightened out.  And these children SHOULD NEVER feel as if ANY problems can only be solved with a gun.  They shouldn't even have the access to the weapons.  I weep for the future.  I seriously question whether or not I want to have children.  Who knows if they'll be bully targets or torturers?   I don't know if my heart could take it.  And I hope that we can teach our children not to make these mistakes.  

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