I have started writing my goals down - both personal and work related. Quite theraputic actually and it does make you feel a little more in control.
Will be good to look back in a year's time to see how I have progressed with them.
I would suggest that you add a note on your calendar to check back to update them once a month or once a quarter (whenever the next logical small progress step would be completed, depending on the type of goal of course). That will get you in the habit of saying, "ok, what do I need to do next to make progress on this goal?" and then actually scheduling that action. It's also a good red flag for you. If you decide you should have done something in a quarter's time frame and at the end of that quarter, you have no update to post, it will help to remotivate you and realize that the time has started slipping away again.
If you wait a year, well... Out of sight, out of mind!