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Author Topic: Advice please...  (Read 6807 times)
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« on: February 06, 2014, 07:26:06 pm »

Hi everyone, just discovered the site today and I'm pretty thankful, there's some sound advice here.

That said I need a little advice (maybe confirmation of my own thoughts) on a specific thing. I lost my job at the start if the year -I chose the wrong company and will regret it for the rest if my working life!
Anyway, I went to a couple if agencies, one I don't hear much from and the other, the main one in my town, I signed up for temp work with.
They have gone through my cv, got my skills, got what I'm looking for and somehow I'm sent info for both temp and perm work that really doesn't match me.
My first temp role lasted a day and a half! On paper it sounded good in reality it was filing scanning all day long in a windowless room. I was working with young girl in her teens this was her  first job and she spent most if the day on her phone!
Last week I was sent details for an audit administrator, 3-6 months, a little commute but it really sounded a job to get my teeth into and hopefully go perm...I wish I knew where the agency get their job descriptions from but what I've been doing IS NOTHING LIKE THE DESCRIPTION! Not even close! It turns out it's an old job description for a perm role! So guess what I'm doing? Yep, filing and scanning all day long.

I've worked 2 days, but I've been off due to interviews the last couple of days and I'm due back in tomorrow, which I really can't bear! Thing is I have an interview with the same company but in a different department, different building, tomorrow. My question is do I suck it up go in and scan my life away or call the agency and tell them to get the right info before assigning roles and take me off this one.
I don't know if cancelling could harm my prospects, as I was told by the agency when I said I would go in after the interview (don't see much point sitting there for an hour before heading off!)
If anyone can put some perspective on this be much appreciated :-)
Posts: 2

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« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2014, 07:50:44 am »

So the morning has arrived, I'm sat here thinking what am I doing with my life! What happened to me? I was strong and confident once now I'm worried over what people will say about me stopping this temp job!
After some soul searching I'm not sure temping is for me. I think I went down this path just to please everyone else, not the way to work right? I'm not giving 100% as I always do, I don't feel part of the office/company. But at the same time I feel like I'll be whinging and people will be disappointed with me!

A very confused soul this morning!

Anyone been in this situation?
Atlanta Z3
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« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2014, 03:12:43 pm »

I'm sorry for your situation.  Here are my thoughts, if you think you really want the job with the company, suck up the scanning position for another week or so.  It's a paycheck, it will get you out of the house.  If the job doesn't come through or you decide you don't want it then have a come to Jesus talk with the temp agency.
I would also use the time in the scanning position to learn more about the company.  Spend a little time in the break room chatting up folks, how long have they been at the company, what do they enjoy most about their jobs.  People will talk and you will look like a team player.
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« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2014, 05:23:42 pm »

Hello Hancock, first of all, welcome to deskdemon! Smiley

I temped for several years. It certainly is not for everyone, but I can tell you that it ultimately led to MANY job offers for me. However, there is no doubt that temporary employees are often second class within the company and are usually left out of most employee related things.

I see a couple of issues going on here.

First, a question: why are you doing the temping? If it is to make money while you continue to look for another job that is a different perspective than you are doing it to get your foot in the door with a company and convert to permanent. If it is the first, then you just need to carry on until the right job comes along. If it is the latter, then you should communicate with the temp agency that this job's responsibilities are not matching the description you were given in advance of the job and suggest that they find someone else to complete the assignment.

You do need to walk a careful line with this if you wish to continue being placed by the service. They won't allow you to walk out on too many assignments before they stop trying to place you at all. 
Posts: 43

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« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2014, 07:12:17 am »

I can totally relate.  I have a job that I have been in for over two years, and first it isn't what I thought it would be and second... I hate it!  I look, but when a good position comes up, most of the time I can't get away from my job to interview.   This job has killed a lot of the joy of what I do.   I can't do the temp work.  I am a single mom and can't tae the chance unemployment would run out.  the job market it tough.  I have temped in the past and agree, you feel like second class.  :-)  I remember  being called into a meeting where everyone in the company got bonus checks and of course being a temp I didn't get one.   To this day I think.. why did they even call me in?  Why not just keep me out of the meeting!

What I can say, and this may not be the best advice, but it comes from someone who has been really unhappy in their job for over 2 years... don't get into something that will make you miserable.  We spend SO much time at work. You don't have to "enjoy" it, but at least be content.  I am will look until I find something, I hope someday something better finally materializes.  Good luck to you as well.

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