« Reply #30 on: September 21, 2005, 02:26:52 pm » |
Diamondlady, stations have different prices for the same reasons that Aveda shampoo costs 15 times more than store brand--consumers are paying for a name brand. They think if they buy Shell or BP that they're getting better gas than if they buy from Mr. No-Name on the corner.
I'm not that gullible, in matters of food or Rx or long as the product works, I'll buy the cheaper product. I'm just sorry I can't shop around for home heating fuel (we have natural gas), electricity, etc. because if I could get that cheaper, I would.
WRT when to fill up your tank--after being through the big Northeast blackout a couple of years ago when gas pumps wouldn't work for two days (no electricity to run them), I've tried very hard never to go below 1/4 tank! You never know when some emergency might knock out all the gas stations and leave you running on fumes. But I have not filled up since the Thursday before Katrina, just added enough to keep myself at half a that we're down to that price again, I'll fill it.