Ha! I was wondering the same thing.
I'll be honest and say I think that a lot of the problem is we sort of lost our "soul". The boards were a big source of reference/advise/inspiration when they first started. I think a lot of that had to do with Andrea and the staff's participation. You knew that the site wasn't just a financial thing, they actually had interest in our problems/questions. I really don't feel that anymore. I never see the actual site editor participating in a conversation, other than to post a new topic in the Sound Off section, but there is no follow-up. I really don't know who she is or her opinion on any of the subjects posted. I miss that kind of interaction, it made for lively conversations.
Unfortunately I think the site has turned into just a sort of cold, commercial webpage. I miss the the sense of community we had before. I wonder if you're right and people went to other sites with more traffic. I wish I knew were everyone was posting now