
Posts: 49
« on: September 27, 2001, 11:40:25 am » |
I work for the VP of Engineering at my firm and have been an executive assistant for about 15 years. Yesterday, one of Engineering's director's e-mailed me a document (form) to update and handed me the form with some corrections he'd made. In two places, he crossed our the text and wrote "Stet Planned" next to the cross out. I removed the x'd out test and typed in "Stet Planned". Later, this gentlemen brought me back the paperwork and said "Stet Planned" means leave the text in and ignore the cross out. He then gave me a copy of "Proofreader's Marks" which he said is in every dictionary with a tone that clearly conveyed I should have known this.
So I am asking for feedback on this. Never having taken my CPS exam, I was wondering if most exec. assistants would know this. I know the proofreader's squiggle for removing text and the little carrot for inserting text (as well as paragraph symbol) - but should I have known this? I really want to know.
Karen in So. Calif.
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2001, 12:00:11 am » |
My first thought is yes, you should have known it - IF you ever had any type of formal office procedures or secretarial training. I remember learning it in my high school Steno/Office Procedure class.
Don't let him get to you though. even though there are some standard proofreader's marks, not everyone uses them.
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2001, 12:17:14 am » |
Now I've never heard of it, but when I checked one of my reference books (I think complete office handbook) it was there. My advice is to don't worry about it (hey, everyone makes mistakes) and then go grab a book that includes stuff like that. The above mentioned is a good one, and most office suppliers carry it.
Ellen (What a beautiful day!) in TX
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2001, 12:17:46 am » |
Dear Karen, Don't feel bad, I got my first dose of proofreaders marks when I was in a high profile position a few years ago. Here's a helpful list for the next time Mr. "I know something you don't know decides to flex his muscles: www.m-w.com/mw/table/proofrea.htm

Posts: 49
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2001, 01:37:36 pm » |
Thanks for the responses and the encouragement. I so appreciate being able to discuss a topic with my peers.
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2001, 03:08:07 pm » |
I know them, but only because I did some copy editing before returning to the wonderful world of admin work. Which comes in handy, since bossie uses them. The first time he used "stet" and I gave him back the next draft the way he wanted it, he was pleasantly surprised--which leads me to think a lot of people, admins included, might not know that.
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2001, 03:14:04 pm » |
Do they still use those? Here in the UK we have them, but they aren't used in every day life.

Posts: 12
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2001, 03:15:44 pm » |
I knew about stet but not stet planned, that was a new one for me. Don't feel so bad, looks like your not the only one that didn't know.
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2001, 03:38:18 pm » |
I know SOME proofreading marks, but nowhere near all of them, nor would I want to. That guy was just showing off. Some people need to belittle and embarrass others in order to try and make themselves look superior.
He just proved that he's an a@@. If it makes you feel any better, I wouldn't have known what that meant either and probably would have done the same thing you did.
Forget about him. He's not worth the grief.
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2001, 09:07:06 am » |
I went through secretarial training in high school and college. I know what "Stet" means but didn't know "Stet Planned".
WS is right, the guy is just showing off. "Stet" would have sufficed but he felt he had to get fancy and put "Stet Planned". Totally not your fault.
But like the others said, if I were you, I'd get one of those books and brush up so he can't embarrass you anymore.
Good luck!
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2001, 03:10:26 pm » |
I learned them originally in high school typing class. They were later drummed more into my head because I worked for a publishing company. Over the years I have gotten in the habit of using them at all times. I think they are very useful to know, but primarily only for people that edit text. Consequently, yes, I think admins AND bosses should know the codes.
The fact that you didn't is not a big deal. Just say thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am brushing up on them now and don't expect to have this difficulty again.
Consider this an opportunity to strengthen one of your weak areas and try to ignore the fact that he chose an arrogant and mean method of bringing it to your attention. Heck this would be a good item to use as an example of a future weakness you overcame.