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Author Topic: Confidentiality  (Read 5673 times)
susan silva
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« on: May 02, 2013, 06:59:35 am »

Do you handle confidential documents, if so how do you handle lookie-loos and noisy people?
Atlanta Z3
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« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2013, 02:09:30 pm »

I have to sign and create CAs (Confidentiality Agreements) for M&A projects.  Loose lips get you fired.  I loved Janie in The American President "I'm not at liberty to speak..."  As for the lookie loos my desk is locked up tight each night and during the day I usually only have current working documents on my desk with others in files.  Even a temporary project gets a file made with a small sticky note as the label so documents are not usually out for prying eyes to see.  Plus being in legal EVERYTHING is considered sensitive.  Fortunately most people are leary of legal and don't "wander" over to our side of the building very often!
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« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2013, 06:05:25 pm »

My current position, everything we handle is "confidential", meaning from the public as it's PII (personally identifiable information), so we're kept behind locked doors... locked elevators and staircase access to get from floor to floor, etc.

In my previous positions, I had a anti-glare and privacy screen on my PC, so anyone wanting to see what was on my PC had to be standing directly behind me, which was hard to do as my back was to a wall and the entrance was in front of me.  If it was hard copy documents, they were kept in a brown folder on my desk, pulled out as needed but slid back in if anyone entered my office.  I also had a private office with a door I could lock as needed, if the project was larger or it was cumbersome to slide in and out of the folder for any reason.  I kept the privacy screen for my PC wherever I went with that company, as I invariably would have to handle something on the PC that not everyone needed to be seeing, and even in a busy office that was an easy and effective method of maintaining privacy.  Do the same thing for my laptop, especially if I'm using out in public.
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« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2013, 10:27:22 pm »

Having access to the bosses email and handling confidential information are part of my role.  Loose lips sink ships:-)   I learned to say "I don't know" and really?  Alot.  Also, acting surprised is also part of the job when an announcement comes out that you have known about for months:-)
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« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2013, 09:13:02 am »

Working in a household, confidentiality is paramount.  Even friends know I can't talk about work so they never ask me what I have been doing at work, they just as if I am happy in my work.  If anyone asks me what I do at work I just say that I can't talk about it - simple!

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