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Oh RadarO, I'm Defecting
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Topic: Oh RadarO, I'm Defecting (Read 6820 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 65
Oh RadarO, I'm Defecting
February 21, 2001, 01:08:56 am »
Hey, Radar, is there room in Canada for a disenfranchised, pissed off American? I made a solemn vow that if a certain person were elected president of the U.S., I'd cash in my citizenship and leave the country. And my worst nightmare is living in the White House. Argh! Whaddya think? Can I seek sanctuary up North? And I am soooo not kidding!
Sr. Member
Posts: 420
Re: Oh RadarO, I'm Defecting
Reply #1
February 21, 2001, 01:57:10 am »
Alec, is that you? C'mon, now, jokes over. Oh, sorry about that thing between you and Kim. Oh, well, life goes on! (LOL!)
Hero Member
Posts: 707
Sally, is that you?!@?!
Reply #2
February 20, 2001, 04:11:02 pm »
Cause, if it is, just know that I felt similarly 8 years ago, with about half of the country. Now, the tables have shifted for awhile and it looks like the other (approximately) half has its opportunity to grown. I lived, and I believe you will, too, albeit not without some emotional gyrations in the political department. Please spew forth your thoughts, in Italian fountain fashion. Let's get this Topical Climate section hoppin'!
I did write Alec and Kimmie a very nice little email, offering them my assistance to relocate, if they truly felt that America was so unfair. So far, I haven't heard back, but they are probably too busy separating their millions made in this nation they so dislike. Maybe they felt they should have made more? Tell me what it is that I don't know about these two that might make me change my opinion about them, please. I used to *adore* Alec, but he has about as much box office appeal to me right now as Pee Wee Herman! Actually, having to choose between the two, Pee Wee would win hands down! [Ha ha, made you look.}
P.S. If it is you, Sally, when did you cross over?! I apparently missed something, which isn't uncommon, unfortunately.
Full Member
Posts: 204
Hey, there is a bright side!
Reply #3
February 20, 2001, 05:12:20 pm »
Hey Sinatrafan,
Let's look on the bright side of having the old boy in the White House: both Letterman and Dennis Miller will have excellent fodder for at least four years. Personally, I'm looking forward to that. There are opportunities that loom on the horizon that have not been there since Mr. Quayle wandered away.
And, hey, now that Dubya is no longer guvnah of Texas, there's a TEXAS AGGIE in the governor's mansion! WHOOP! Gig 'Em, Aggies!! (You have to be from Texas to understand that one.)
Nice to see you posting again.
Hero Member
Posts: 3187
Hey, there is a bright side!
Reply #4
February 20, 2001, 05:16:59 pm »
Hey GE,
Just a thought, those of us on the other side of the coin had to wait 8 years for Bubba to be out of the White House. Time for Change. Are there anymore "good" politicians out there?
Ah well, time will tell I suppose.
Hero Member
Posts: 707
Reply #5
February 20, 2001, 06:04:30 pm »
Egads, Chris, I don't know. I just had a terrifying thought. Could it be, that we're [scary harpsichord music] :::gasp::: all human?! Time WILL tell. GE
Hero Member
Posts: 852
Re: Oh RadarO, I'm Defecting
Reply #6
February 21, 2001, 10:27:15 am »
:Arrives at the bus station draggin a BIG ol Suitcase sobbing incoherently: SHANE! Err I mean SAL! Take ME...SAL! Come BACK SHANE,, Err SAL! come BACK! :sniffle:
<fade to black>
Sr. Member
Posts: 420
Are there any good politicians?
Reply #7
February 23, 2001, 08:44:07 am »
You know, it's funny you said that. My fiance's sister is majoring in Poly-sci in college and is she smart. I wish her the best of luck, hoping that she may do some good. I don't agree with a lot of her politics, but she isn't into money, she's into good government. But her mother keeps saying, "When (insert name) is a rich politician in DC, I'll live with her in her mansion is Georgetown." I just laugh in her face and say, "All the rich politicians that weren't born with that money are all crooks. So basically, you want your daughter to be a crook. Nice aspirations." She gets really mad at me. But it's kinda true.
Hero Member
Posts: 1365
Re: Are there any good politicians?
Reply #8
March 05, 2001, 10:38:39 am »
Oh my! I just found this post and it is addressed to me. Yes, Sinatrafan, you are welcome to come to Canada at anytime, however, please note the following warning... While in the US, the maximum stay of any president is 2 terms (8 years), there is no maximum stay for the prime minister. We now have Jean Chretien in office for his third term. So if you think the president gets to be a bit of an egomaniac on a second term, you ain't seen nothing yet, honey!
So, if you still want to come, pack your mukluks and toque, and I will meet you at the airport. BTW the temperature today is -6C and we are expecting 10cm of snow
Jr. Member
Posts: 65
Leaving on a Jet Plane or...Mukluks
Reply #9
March 08, 2001, 06:45:37 pm »
Hey RadarO, it's a deal! By the way, I used to be known here, there and everywhere as Mustang Sally (not Alec, goddamnit!) and I'm ready to defect. (How does a person do that, anyway?)I can even speak 8 words of French, and I s'pose I could learn to love hockey. And there's nothing about Canadian weather that Minnesota didn't prepare me for. (I know, Ms. Robbie, bad, bad grammar. Very bad.) So keep the light on for me, kiddo.
Hero Member
Posts: 1365
Re: Leaving on a Jet Plane or...Mukluks
Reply #10
March 09, 2001, 03:43:23 pm »
Canadian - US English dictionary or how to speak like a Canadian, eh.
Canadians are very polite. Be sure to use the words "thank you" and "excuse me" a lot, even if not necessary. You may wish to watch some Canadian TV shows to make sure you can speak the language like a native. Try "Due South", "Street Legal", "The Littlest Hobo", or "Road to Avonlea".
Pocketbook - In the US you may use this term to refer to a small purse. In Canada, a pocketbook is a book that you put in your pocket (see the logic?)
Silverware (US) - Cutlery (Canada) 'cause some time it can be made of materials other than silver i.e. plastic. Once again, see the logic?
Tennies (US) - Sneakers or running shoes (Canada) - even if you don't play tennis, sneak or run in them. Okay, so the logic falls apart here.
Our national sport is lacrosse however, hockey (played on ice) is definitely more popular. If you refer to it as "ice hockey" you are a dead US give-away. In Canada there is only one hockey, all others (floor hockey, field hockey, table-top hockey) are just pale comparisons of the REAL thing.
Next week's topic, the history and proper use of the term "eh"
Global Moderator
Hero Member
Posts: 5102
Re: Leaving on a Jet Plane or...Mukluks
Reply #11
March 09, 2001, 06:03:59 pm »
A close relative to Canada is North Dakota (believe it or not)... I spent 4 years in ND and learned to speak Canadian English very well (though I've since lost it). Living only hours from the border in a college town it was normal for us to drive across the border for a drink or 2 (course, it was an overnight trip then, but it was college and supposed to be crazy and fun). I'm willing to visit anyone who defects (and natives too) if you want a taste of "Americanism" after a while, but the farthest north I'm going anymore is South Dakota. Enjoy though!
(You mean SD STILL has snow??? It can't! It's spring down here in AR - isn't it everywhere? )
Hero Member
Posts: 707
Au revoir, Sinatra Fan!
Reply #12
March 11, 2001, 12:12:28 pm »
I hope you'll like your new country, wherever you end up. I just hope you're not considering Afghanistan!
Hero Member
Posts: 707
P.S. MustangSally
Reply #13
March 11, 2001, 12:15:17 pm »
I should have added that I hope you will have a laptop and modem connection because, otherwise, we'd miss you horribly. Serious.
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