Brighton Rock
« on: March 19, 2012, 05:55:58 pm » |
I have six children, a husband, cats, dogs, horses and smaller creatures to manage at home. Even if some of them are away at school they still require maintenance, and there are many occasions during the year when everyone is at home. So, can I multi-task? You bet! Do I do it at work? Yes.
I have lots of things on the go at the same time, but I think it is important to give one's attention properly to the task in hand, whilst being able to break off what one is doing at that moment and do something else. That requires a thorough knowledge of one's area of company business. Today, for example, I was writing papers for our board meeting later this month and I received a phone call about some complex item of business. Being able to switch from one to the other and back again is key, but I wouldn't have continued with my paper-writing at the same time.