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Author Topic: Next two weeks  (Read 4226 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 306

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« on: July 28, 2010, 03:22:58 pm »


I can really sympathise with you as my dad has been battling prostate cancer for the last 2 1/2 years.  His was only discovered when he stumbled off a bus which caused a vertebrae in his back to crumble which in turn pushed on his spinal cord and started to cause paralysis.  It turns out that this problem with the spine is a secondary cancer to the primary cancer - prostate cancer.  He found that with all of the drugs that were being pumped into his body he was very susceptible to all minor ailments going around and twice he was rushed into hospital with breathing problems.  He has just finised a 10 x 3 weekly cycle of chemotherapy of which the last 3 sessions were the worst and at times he really struggled to breathe especially as it coincided with the really hot (well hot for us) weather that we were having. 

From what you have said it does sound as though the battle with the cancer has slighly delayed the normal recovery time but I know from experience that when they don't recover as quickly as you or I would or we would expect them to then we tend to panic just in case there is some other underlying reason.

Wishing you and your dad all the best and have a safe journey.

I wish you and your dad all the best

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