I'd have to agree that it's inappropriate, but as the pole stated if its not visible as in tattos, I have no problems with that. There was one of the final three of Survivor III that had tattoos and I really thought that it was too much and I think he was a Marketing Manager or someting, but I guess if he wore a suit it would be hidden, but heavens forbid he should wear a short sleeved shirt and take off the jacket in the summertime, EEKS! Now that's a bit much. But if you have one on your back, shoulder, leg, something that can be covered during normal business hours, I guess I would have no problems with that.
As far as the multiple earings, I have no problem, just keep them conservative. Body piercing, now that bothers me a bit more especially in an office setting and come into work with an eyebrow pierced, EEKS! But CG your on the right track with the tounge piercing in hiding it. Seems to be the best approach that it's not so visible during office hours.
Miss conservative, you betcha. But I'm getting a bit more flexible with that the older I get.
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