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Author Topic: Americanism  (Read 24336 times)
Posts: 12

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« on: September 27, 2001, 03:29:49 pm »

Have to add my .02 cents here as well.  I think George W. is doing an excellent job considering the magnitude of these current attacks on US soil.  Unfortunately it takes something like this on US soil to get American's attention and am happy to see so many flags all the time and everywhere I go.  Not to forget all those others who have died (I have several military folks in my family too) so that we can have the freedoms we do, but, to die because you were at the World Trade center at the wrong time, or in the wrong airplane at the wrong time, this person has no regard for human life, and needs to be taken care of in the correct fashion, which I believe George W. is doing.

As for the Americanism issue, I say we should fly those American flags as much as possible, this is a huge event, bigger than Pearl Harbor, and learning more about the sequences of events that led up to 9/11/01 it is definetly bigger than Pearl Harbor.  We now have to rely on our military on US soil instead of shipping them out to some border in some mid-eastern country, its here and we now have to deal with it.  Let them see we are united and let them see that all these other coutnries are backing us up and offering help, it warms my heart that everyone has been so helpful in that regard.  Also warms my heart to see bypartisanship (sp) put aside with this issue and protecting American's is the primary goal here, George W. you have my 100% support and believe you are doing the right things.  I was never more happy to hear George W's voice on the radio that day so quickly and the events thereafter closing the airports down and stopping several more attacks.

I saw Al Gore at the service and I didn't recognize him until DH pointed him out to me, and to be honest I think he looks good.  Grant you he is not in the public eye anymore and does not have to deal with that issue, so why not put on extra pounds, he's getting older, nothin wrong with that, and I personally like the beard.  Not that I like Al Gore, but I think it looks good on him.



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