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Author Topic: Coping with Change  (Read 8347 times)
Hero Member
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« on: June 15, 2009, 05:07:05 pm »

How do you cope when you have a big change in your business life, such as reorganisation, sudden loss of a co worker, redundancy/laid off,  or your company just changed from PCs to Macs?  I am talking about one of those events you didn't expect but change everything,?   How do you react?  Are you ok, lets dig in and get to see what is new or do you pine away thinking about how it was?  What are some of the events that have happened to you and how did you handle them?

Hero Member
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« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2009, 06:30:13 pm »

This does not always affect us as individuals however I have faced it quite recently.  It can take a while to adjust but in the long run you forget it ever happened.  I just take everything as it comes and try not to worry too much.

Loss of a co worker
If they move on of their own accord I wish them well and perhaps try and stay in touch if we have become close.  If due to redundancy, I deal with it how I would myself (see below)

I have been there 4 times and dealt with it pretty well.  For some personal friends and those here on DD, I have assisted with updating and revamping CV's.  It is difficult but you have to understand your job is being made redundant, not you.  Of course this put us in a situation we haven't chosen to be in but it does give us an opportunity to change career or aim in a different direction if we so wish.  Throughout my career when faced with redundancy, I have always managed to find another job even though it maybe hasn't been the right one at the time.  However I have worked for some prestigious companies and am very proud of my CV.

Company just changed from PCs to Macs
I don't know what year this happened but I have never been affected.  I only ever used a Mac once and that was in a temp job many years ago.
Change is inevitable.  We cope in whatever way we can.  It is something we cannot control or plan for, like death for example or sudden illness.

Life is challenging and things happen for a reason (if you believe so).  You can only plan so far ahead.  I try not to worry too much about things but of course we cannot help having those anxious little moments.
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« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2009, 07:10:39 pm »


You have forgotten death of a direct report or colleague.  I have dealt with this twice now, one of each.  Each one is hard and strange, especially as I was close to both of them.  Each time, I (and several others in the organisation) suffered a range of losses which some have said resemble the sensation of redundancy, but takes a lot more courage to overcome.  It takes time to cope with those sorts of changes, but a willingness to move forward is essential, however hard it seems at the time.


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« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2009, 07:16:50 pm »

Indeed Jess.  I can't say I've had to deal with the death of a colleague.

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« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2009, 08:15:21 pm »

I've had to deal with that twice here in 12 years.  It's hard both times.  One was a health issue no one had any idea and the second was even more tragic, as he was out on lunch time and got in an accident, it was a fatal accident.  It was a very tragic accident as he was in his early 40's and had been with the company for a long time, started with the company at a young age.  We still miss both of these employees.

It's been several years for both of these employees but it doesn't make it any easier to talk about even still.  One day at a time, and we do move forward.
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Edited by diamondlady on 15/06/09 08:16 PM.

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« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2009, 05:00:48 pm »

I had the death of a very beloved boss to cancer.  It was 6 months from the diagnosis to death.  In the beginning he was still working, so I jumped in and did whatever I could so that he had to do only what I could not.  Then for a while he was home but still dealing with work.  Eventually, he was not dealing with work at all.  All of it was very difficult.  I cried a lot at home in the evenings.  But he suffered so that it was a relief when it was over because I knew he was no longer suffering.  

I had a difficult time over the next couple of years finding enough to do to fill my days.  His work had been such a large part of my workload.  He was a true Type A personality and it kept me hopping just keeping up with him!  Suddenly all of that was gone.  I kept asking and asking for more duties.  Eventually I was given some more purchasing work to do, and that in the end led to my current position.  But I have to say that I really was never totally happy in my old position once he was gone.  I was just never given enough duties to fill that huge hole in my workday.  And I knew that it was unlikely that I would ever have the relationship with another boss that I had with him.  We were like hand and glove and it worked beautifully.  I had other bosses that I liked and respected and we worked well together, but it wasn't the same.

However, it all turned out well in the end, since my persistence in seeking more duties did eventually lead me to this position, and I couldn't be happier now.

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« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2009, 02:00:37 am »

Over the years, I too have dealt with death in the workplace.  I think the most difficult was a co-worker, who was murdered in a domestic dispute.  Unfortunately, it was compounded by the media getting the story and replaying it over and over for days on the TV.  Just a constant reminder.  Another was a co-worker who killed his wife and then himself in front of their small children.  We never knew the financial difficulties this man was facing.  It just goes to show, you do not know what is really going on with a person.  Both were difficult.  In the first case, the company brought in grief counselors which helped considerably.  

As far as changes in work, I try to approach it as change is a guarantee in life.  It will always be there.  Accept it with a positive attitude and learn all you can about the new situation or task.  In the end, you benefit and can add it to your skill set.  It also makes you more valuable to your employer when you are outgoing , master the new task or equipment, and face change with a can do attitude.

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« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2009, 02:38:11 pm »

It's taken me just over a year to get over the sudden death of my very much beloved boss, and the resultant redundancy from the company that I lived and breathed for 8 years.  Throw into the mix 3 months of unemployment before finding a temporary job (which is hideous but paying the bills), and then the equally sudden death of an old friend, and it's been quite a year.

I've tried to remain positive throughout all of this, and remain confident that having had what I would describe as a truly amazing job for the last 8 years that, there is an equally amazing job out there with my name on it.  It would have been easy to give up, but that's just not in my nature.  

Yesterday I was interviewed for a fabulous role, and I'm just waiting to hear the outcome.  Please send me your good vibes!!!  And if it isn't meant to be, there'll be another comes along in another few months, and I'll keep at it until the right thing turns up.


Hero Member
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« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2009, 07:08:26 pm »


Here's me raising my glass to you to wish you all the luck in the world.
I know what you have been going through, plus I lost a child.  That sort of change is the ultimate combination, but we are both survivors.
I have find a good job which i am enjoying doing, pays well and the people are kind (except for the clique amoung the admins, who I generally ignore and they ignore me because I do not follow Big Brother or other similar reality tv shows which they seem to talk about all the time).
Your job is waiting for you.
If I can do it, then there is hope!

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« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2009, 12:54:36 pm »

Well, a lot is happening at work right now...big reorganization along with constant layoffs.  Nobody feels secure about their job.  Two high-level admins were laid off just yesterday, and that will mean more work for the ones remaining.  I am experiencing health (heart-related) issues, and the doctor can't explain it, so I'm guessing it's stress from work that's causing it.  I can't exercise much due to the heart problem, so the stress can't be worked off that way.  But I have a positive attitude at work, and really enjoy my co-workers.  That is helping a great deal.

Hero Member
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« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2009, 02:53:23 am »

Have gone through the same things.  Atrial Fib due to stress.  Learned to manage it.  The people being effected by the layoffs and reorg have been the hardest for me to handle.  I had to take a couple days off to "get back into the game".  My boss understood.  It bothered him too, but he was traveling for a few days when it all happened, and understood I was not handling it well.  I wanted to cry everytime I walked down the hall.  I had to take a break, remove myself from the situation, and get a grip.  After I recharged, I was able to handle it much better.  It was strange for me because I have gone through changes in my career and usually just draw on my inner strength and handle it.  For some reason, this time was different.  That was in November.  Things have calmed down now, and we are still managing changes, but having the support of my boss really meant alot to me.  I was able to return after a couple of days off and assist others in coping with the changes.  You just have to roll with it.  Make sure you are learning all you can so you become a valuable employee.  Also, it benefits you to learn more and keep your skillset up to date in the case budgets are cut and you find you are laid off.  In this economy, no one is safe.

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« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2009, 01:35:49 pm »

Peaches - just catching up on threads that I could not do when in my job (not allowed access to internet) and wanted to say you are inspiring. I am going through a difficult time right now with work and like you consider myself someone who deals with things but sometimes it all gets too much.  

Hope things are improving for you now as time moves on.

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« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2009, 02:04:03 am »

Cathy17 - I am glad I was able to make a difference for you and hope I can make a difference for others on the site as well.  We are all in this together, although sometimes it does feel like "me against the world".  It will all work out, it always does.  I liken it to peaks and valleys.  I live by the the saying, "it's in the valley I grow".  I have appreciated the insight I have gained here and it is a great site to learn from and share with peers.  I'm here for ya!  Take care.

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« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2009, 11:59:31 pm »

These tough economic times are hitting again.  We are required to take  5 furlough days (days off without pay)now.  Also, our pension is frozen as of a certain date and we will accrue no additional benefit regardless of how long we work there.  Still coping with changes:)  In addition to this, we are anticipating a layoff of 5% of our workforce in two weeks.  we are holding our breaths to see who will be laid off.
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« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2009, 04:10:42 pm »

Ouch peaches... I am so sorry to hear this. I went through it myself last year (furloughs, hiring freeze, layoffs) at the same time hubby lost his job, so I fully commiserate. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you and your co-workers.

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