Well, just to show you that I'm a good gambler

... held off on buying gas at $2.73... and again at $2.65 (Friday morning)... and on Friday afternoon $2.56... and will probably go ahead and buy this afternoon if the price is anything like it was on my in to work this morning... a low $2.46. I'd hold off, but I'm needing almost half a tank, and I hate the total for that much gas, much less to wait till I need closer to a full tank. Besides, I might be a gambler, but I'm not that much of a risk-taker. I'd prefer to buy it at $2.46 than to discover tomorrow that it's jumped back up again. 'Course, tomorrow I could be sobbing because it dropped another $0.10/gallon or more overnight.

I'll let y'all know how I did.
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