« on: August 02, 2001, 06:55:02 am » |
You summed it up right there, for yourself, Admin: the short-term jobs allowed you to gain a wide skill base in a compressed amount of time. That's what I'd tell any interviewer. When you got beat out by someone with 15 years of experience, I wouldn't sweat it. That's probably what that particular company was looking for all along, and it truly was nothing personal.
For your encouragement, probably ALL of us have had lots of interviews that looked very promising, that we were sure we were going to nail down, only to find that we were the bridesmaid and not the bride. All you really have to do is recommit, refocus, and torque up your efforts. Yeah, looking for a new job can really suck, especially when it wasn't in your plan. But, whatcha gonna do? You've got the right stuff; it just needs to get in front of a whole lot more people no matter the method.
As far as what admins do, you don't need to detail the basics of the job (i.e. copying, filing, etc.), but do highlight those things you did which the job you are targeting seems to be looking for the most. This may mean having 3 or more versions of your resume but, heck, you've gone this far, why not bring this baby home! Best wishes/keep us posted. GE