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Author Topic: Work Area  (Read 20759 times)
susan silva
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« on: July 04, 2011, 07:54:24 pm »

What type of work area do you work in? An office?  Cubicle?  Open setting?  Do you like the setting or wish it was set up differently?  Finally, do you sit close to your boss or is there a distance?  If there is a distance, does that help or hinder you?
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« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2011, 08:23:22 pm »

I prefer the setting Ihave now, an office outside of my bosses.  However, we are moving and I understand I will be in a cube.  Not sure how far away from the boss.  Makes it difficult to be a gate keeper when the gate is not in close proximity.  We'll see how it works.  I like the close proximity now since I can hear what is going on and stay ahead of the game.  Also, the privacy an office affords for secure conversations.
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« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2011, 08:47:37 pm »

I am finally in a cube right outside my boss's office.  I have worked for him for about four years now, and just last week was able to move to this desk.  I think work will be much more efficient now, since I'll be more aware of what is going on when I'm within earshot of his phone conversations, and can see who's in his office at any time.

One thing I've never liked about our cubes in that our computer screens are open to everyone walking by. 
There is also a great deal of noise from other cubes all around me.  I get much more done if I'm there by myself with no distractions.
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« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2011, 09:40:28 pm »

What type of work area do you work in?
We all work in an open plan setting, not even our Directors have offices now.  But we do have and use meeting rooms when necessary.

Do you like the setting or wish it was set up differently? 
Yes I like the setting. 

Finally, do you sit close to your boss or is there a distance?  
As mentioned in one of your previous sounds offs, I sit opposite my boss, so can easily speak to him about work and also know when he moves from his desk.

If there is a distance, does that help or hinder you?
It is a big help having him nearby.
Katie G
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« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2011, 02:37:17 pm »

I have a desk outside my boss' office.  Many years ago I had a private office next to my boss' office.  I really liked that because I had SO much more room for storing things and filing etc. etc., and I work with so much confidential stuff that it was just easier. 

In my current setup, I have my three measley file drawers at my workstation and the file room is all the way down the hall.  Not very efficient.  It also makes confidential phone calls challenging because anyone can come strolling in here. 

I actually would be very happy if I could swing a fully walled cube with an extra filing cabinet next to it.  That would be great, but it's not happening with our budget cuts!
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« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2011, 08:35:01 pm »

I've been in a kind of cubie for about 6 years. I'm surrounded by a 6 foot partition on two sides and a window I can't enjoy that much because it's behind me. I really don't like this set up as I can hear every keystroke from staff in the surrounding offices and the cackling of some particularly loud staff members down the hall. Our building is getting refurbished, and I'm finally getting an office! The staff in the building was surveyed and aside from a couple of employees, NO one wanted an open office or cubie environment. I don't make a lot of personal calls on company time, but I look forward to making that discrete doctor's call or taking a little nap with the door closed over lunch. Smiley Yesssss!
Alicia M
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« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2011, 08:52:03 pm »

We went from 6 foot cubicle walls to 4 feet or so to have a more "open" environment.  I liked the privacy of the higher walls, but I am sure for the majority of people, it is better.  I work right across from my bosses office and have a conference room I pop in to make confidential calls.  I do think it is helpful to be near the bossie office, but there are times I wish I was way across the room!
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« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2011, 06:27:55 pm »

I work in a cubicle-like area that I suspect was meant to be a copy machine cubby.  It's about 8 feet by 8 feet and bounded by floor to ceiling, 4 ft. wide architectural pillars so I have NO wifi  at my desk.  It's very cramped and directly in the path of a fast-moving icy draft.  (I routinely run a heater in August and wear a blanket around my shoulders!)

I am essentially in the corridor and can hear the telephone conversations from the 4 or 5 offices around me when their doors are open (which is most of the time).  The noise is very distracting and I have to make personal calls from the ladies room if I want any privacy.

Needless to say, I don't like this set up at all.  My boss is in the office next to me, but the built-in furniture is situated in such a way that the entrance to my boss' office is actually behind me.  The result is that I never know if he is in or not.  This is the worst work space I have had in almost 20 years of being an Admin.

The up side is that I take every opportunity I can to get up and walk around!
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« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2011, 06:37:00 pm »

:-) sroth, I have been in a similar setting, it was an area converted and was so cold.  I wish I had a blanket for the shoulders! I didn't think of that  Grin. I too tried to get out as much as possible.  Thinking back I was a few pounds lighter when I had that job!

I have a normal cubie, nothing special.  I sit about 10 cubies away from my boss, but I will say this place is comfortable temperature wise!  Being a bit away from the boss has not been an issue at all.  I actually like it better and can get more done than when I was right next to the bossies office and could be interrupted for every little detail.  I hate to say it, I really don't care, if the bossie is away for a few minutes to use the bathroom or off to the cafeteria.  As much as it sounds silly but those small comments take your mind away from what you are doing.  You break what you are doing to go, ok, or some comment, or being interrupted 20 times a day going, "is the bossie busy?" by walker-by-ers.   It sounds minor but I feel I get more things done being away.
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« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2011, 07:16:54 pm »

Ya know, you're right!  I do get several people an hour asking me if my boss is in - as if I can see through the wall behind me and it is very distracting.
Oh well!  Time for a walk!  :-)
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« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2011, 07:59:55 am »

Ya know, you're right!  I do get several people an hour asking me if my boss is in - as if I can see through the wall behind me and it is very distracting.

That's why working in an open plan office is better - people can see right away if my boss is at his desk or not, without having to ask me.  If he's away from his desk he's probably in a meeting.

People ask questions in my place all day...why would anyone hate being interrupted?  How on earth do you communicate with others if you don't interrupt them??  Huh

Working in an open plan office for me means there is more communication and we very much have an open door policy.  Our working environment requires that.  If every director or manager was shut off in an office of their own, it wouldn't be as accessible to collaborate or do business.

One advantage of an open plan environment is, people are less likely to stand and chat as you are more easily seen.
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« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2011, 08:14:41 am »

One thing I've never liked about our cubes in that our computer screens are open to everyone walking by. 
There is also a great deal of noise from other cubes all around me.  I get much more done if I'm there by myself with no distractions.

Why would you be worried about what's on your computer screen?  Something to hide?

We have little or no noise, as much as is in any normal office.  The banks have worked in open plan environments for years and I know because I have temped in several.  You learn to reduce noise, work quietly and be more considerate of your colleagues.  Anyone who can't do that is just pure selfish.  You should ask individuals to lower their voice if it's bothering you that much.  Maybe they don't realise they are disturbing you.

During our last office re-org a booklet was compiled outlining best practice for ways of working - it seems to be having the desired affect.
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« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2011, 03:08:27 pm »

gee, some of us have to work with confidential information. In my case, I am working on offer letters that include salary information, personnel letters (i.e. letters that will be put in someone's personnel file), etc. Really wouldn't want someone to be able to see my screen.

I work in an open half height cubicle in the center of four offices and right next to a conference room. Sometimes it gets quite noisy by my desk.
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« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2011, 03:55:55 pm »

Our HR department do.
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« Reply #14 on: September 05, 2011, 06:43:32 am »

My office has now ended up in the front of the building, where I have wonderful windows and fresh air, but constant interruption from the employees passing through. My bosses office is in the back of the building. we are tethered by our intercom system, though I find IM easier as she is frequently on the phone. I have worked with her long enough now that I now most of the time when I should "ask a question". I feel like though I am interrupted frequently, I am a lot more efficient having her office farther away. We started out years ago in her living room, practically on top of each other, so I am proud of how far we have come, distance wise and business wise.

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