susan silva
« on: August 11, 2011, 06:06:16 pm » |
Have you ever thought about the future? What do you think we will see in the future? Do you think tablets will replace computers? Do you think the written book will become like VHS or beta or cassettes? (I could add 8 track but that would be aging me and I admit 8 track was only available when I was very young!) Check out this video from Microsoft do you think of the future?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2011, 07:02:39 pm » |
I am not sure about credit card computers, but some of that technology is already being worked on. I posted in the groups this video about a table people are using that has the early stages of a lot that is in that video. I personally think computers will change drastically over the next 10-20 years. I do think computers will be more and more like the tablets, look at the Livescribe Pen, that interactive table, e readers, play station and Wii where you don't even need a controller. As for books, I would hate to see the paper version disappear. We have books that share so much history, but I do think tablets and ereaders will be the main means of reading in the future.
Katie G
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2011, 02:46:36 pm » |
As someone with vision issues and nerve issues in my fingertips -- and who's no kid anymore -- I wish they would STOP trying to make these things so $%&*$(%& small! I've had Type 1 diabetes for well over 30 years, at least 20 of those years doing 8-12 fingersticks a day. I dread the day I'm handed a tablet. I have problems with touchscreens as it is. Half the time they don't react to my fingertips due to the calluses. More than once I've had to have someone else get our copier to work for me. And there's no way I'm ever going to be able to read off a credit-card sized screen. I hope as the population ages, they take this sort of thing into consideration. Actually, in the coming decade, I'd be really happy to see a return to common sense, a firmer grip on reality, and the elimination of "buzzwords" in the workplace. But I don't think that's going to happen. 

Posts: 8
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2011, 06:33:13 am » |
Katie, agree! the direction things are going now...I can't keep up with my boss's text messages to me. I end up calling her every time asking "what???" She types texts so fast and furious I can't respond, let alone, do I know what direction she is sending me. Common sense. Somehow we need to work that back into our work life, if not our regular live. I have so many client who are starting to only accept invoices through online services, it's becoming an issue at work, we have not converted completely online, so I have some work I do twice. I understand where you are coming from on the "small" issue, not only in equipment being used, but how much information you are expected to deliver now. It's a challenge to make it fit in the "online" form. I see the next ten years as us having to condense, shring, and re-format. Good luck to all!
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2011, 08:12:32 am » |
Little tip for you all... unless you have a company mobile phone DO NOT give out your number for others to use. This is how bosses take advantage. I do not have a company mobile therefore no one in work but HR have my number. Simples! 