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Author Topic: World Trade Centre crash  (Read 54710 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 3187

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« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2001, 11:26:06 am »

Okay I am here folks and in Upstate NY listening to local radio and MSNBC tv to get all the details.

Here is how I know things to be at the present:

a) Both World Trade Center Buildings are GONE...belived to have had other bombs planted in the building to go off shortly after the planes crashed according to the way the buildings went down, they did not topple over.

b)  Pentagon has a fire from a plane crash and are trying to put out fires there, and Pres. Bush is in the air attempting to land somewhere, not saying.

c) Camp David has been attacked by a plane as well.

d) More planes are unaccounted for, hence the reason for Elleny's post of buildings closing down for safety reasons.

e)  Plane crash near Pittsburg (not Pittsburg airport but close by)

On a lighter note, I was in the doctors office getting a tooth pulled at the time of all of these events, thoughts and prayers going out to all the folks in NY and everywhere this tragety has hit, its a terrible state of affairs.  Also thoughts and prayers to all the rescue workers out there for they have a grim job ahead of them, and we appreciate all of their efforts.

Prayers to all the families that your loved ones are accounted for and for those that are not continued prayers that you will make it thru this difficult time and that justice will be served to those that are involved in this major american tragety.


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